I don't know if it's a wish, but it's a hope for sure. I hope my son has a long, fulfilling, happy life with lots of love....
He's starting Kindergarten in one week, and I hope it's the beginning of a long educational 'carreer'. I hope in 12 or 13 years I'm seeing him off to college, and a few years after that I hope I'm standing up at his wedding. I guess that qualifies as a wish. I wish him happiness and joy and hard work.
:)What is the one wish you hope comes true?
I wish I could win the lottery.What is the one wish you hope comes true?
to get my green card
My roommate that refuses to pay rent, utilities or clean moves out.
One of them is to be successful one day.
that i live life to its fullest and i am able to give my kids everything that i didn't have the privilege to have. good luck.
Mega Million Baby!!!!! Wish me luck.
That I don't have cramps on my B-day....
No more war.
honestly,to have my health back,but its not going to happen*!*
this school year goes by fast, cuz my friend is moving back in a year Ill be happier
i have no wishes...u r my only wish
That when i go to the doctor tommrowo he will say that i dont need knee surgery.
that i somehow win 80 million dollar$
i want to see a guy tht i havent seen since the day we left for xmas break.
My chance to build an authentic pirate ship and sail the seven seas!!!
For my wife and I to live until we are very old and we die in our sleep.
that my sister survives her battle against leukemia...that is really what i want....fulfilling my dream of one day being the world's best stockbroker would be nice but thats not a wish cause i will be
just to pass life with an A score. =)
I wish that I could Have a day/ one on one time with Joe Elliott........
i wish that i would do better in school!! i need to get my gpa up!
That Peace comes to the Middle East and all our service men and women come home.
That we'll get out of Iraq in the near future.
To see you one day, then to give you a warm embrace and after that to lock lips with you in deep, passionate French kiss
my health would get better
you in my arms
umm.. i wish that my wish will come true
World peace!
They find a cure for huningtons disease
That I can finish my book in a timely mannor..lol..which means I hope SOON!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Do i still have the right to hope for true love?
when I don't want to do anything anymore..i have no enthusiasm for anything...i don't want to work...don't want to go out or meet new people...i think i'm just waiting for the end of my time....but i truly want to love and be loved....it's like my last wish. Is that still possible in my condition?
sorry i really don't know where to post this Q.Do i still have the right to hope for true love?
Yes. Many people meet people just right for them on the internet. Just be careful of what you believe. Honestly, I've met better people online than in bars and clubs. You can pick and choose what you have in common online. I suggest a dating website. Some are free, match.com is cool, webdate, matchmaker I think too.Do i still have the right to hope for true love?
Love, take a moment and just breath.....you're trying to do to much at one time...How can you love someone else if you don't love yourself enough to snap out of this hole your end..Now pull your self together...take a nice hot shower, put on some music and dance around the house...all by yourself..have a glass of wine if you like..but lets start loving ourself from the inside out one step at a time.. Go and get your hair done, get your nails done..see a movie just get out of the house. Next just relax and let things happen in God's time...We miss out on so many blessing trying to rush God plan.. Step out of your shell and just live and enjoy...Don't worry about what friends and family might think just make yourself happy doing positive things for you... Good luck
Your true nature ';IS'; Love. If you cannot feel Love for yourself, you will be incapable of Loving anyone else. Love yourself and the world will fall in Love with you. Deny yourself Love and it will avoid you!
God is Love - Book of James. Jesus is The truth. 3 pages of daily christian ways.
True Love is available but it only exists
in Scriptures. 1st John - 3 pages of basic ways of a follower of true love.
how long to read 6 pages? how long you been looking. in all the wrong places?
read the 6 pages and do not lean on your own understanding. or conform to the patterns of this world but rather renew your mind so you will know God's good and perfect will for you. Romans12:2 and 2cor10:5 conform your thoughts to Scripture or reject your thought. follow the leader. Word became flesh and flesh becomes word when you are minded in it. Then whatever you ask the Father in My Name He will do for you.
It is in your nature to want a man to love.
Try Church!
i don't go through anything like what your saying, but when I come back from deployment i'm always a bit down and don't feel like doing anything. So I at least understand the feelings.
I don't go seek med help, drugs only mask a problem. I ride it out.
as for finding a true love, if you keep doing what you have done in the past to find someone, and you keep being attracted to the same type of guys, you will keep suffering the same thing.
find someone different who will cherish you and honor and be faithful to you.
tall order, but look forsomeone that you have not looked for before.
You are accurately describing clinical depression. Get in touch with your county mental health entity, and get some help working for you. Don't wait. Get it under control, and get back to things like love, happiness, work, etc. It is all out there waiting for you. Good luck.
Okay I'm not sure if your a man or a women but it doesn't matter first let me say of course it's wonderful that you want to love someone and to be loved by someone. Most of us have been there. Second let me say maybe you are suffering from depression have you seen a doctor. If this is a change for you to not want ot do anything anymore that is a huge sign of depression and that can be helped. You should go see your primary care physician. My momma suffered from depression and she is doing so much better now that she is getting help. You shouldn't worry about finding love until you get yourself feeling better love will come in it's own time dedicate some time to yourself pamper yourself your worth it! God Bless You my friend.
you will always have the right to love, to be loved, but only you can make it happen, and if you have given up..it doesn't mean you've lost your right, it just means you've stopped trying..keep the faith what ever yours is.., but its totally up to you if it happens..
You sound really depressed, and I would hope you call someone who will help you through it.
My answer is, the problem you are having is not what you think, which is not being loved by others. Somewhere along the line, you did not internalize the truth that you are lovable. You don't love yourself. You must see how wonderful and lovable you are before you can love anyone else, or anyone can love you.
Go out and help someone who is in more need of love than you are right now.
Mother Teresa once told a devotee of hers when he asked what he could do for her, to go into the streets in the early morning hours, find someone who thinks he is alone, and convince him he is not.
You are not alone, my friend.
For our dreams to be realized we need to have a positive intention followed by positive action. In order for someone to love you, you have to first love yourself and then be able to love someone else. Prince or princess charming is not going to just show up on your doorstep. Deal with your depression first and then go out and live. If you are willing to do those things, I think you have every right to hope for love.
It sounds to me like you are depressed. I think the first step would be to get help for that. There is nothing wrong with seeking help when you need it. We all have periods in our lives when we feel that way. Remember that there is always hope for tomorrow and what it will bring and to love and be loved is something I think we all wish for.
I think so but unless your going try and pick up dates at a mental institution you might want to ease up a bit on yourself. I too have no desire to work and frankly the new people I've met recently have left me with little desire to continue the search. But that's just on a bad day. Chill out my friend, if your still breathing your still in the game. And really for a last wish you couldn't have picked a better one. That alone should fill you with hope. Good luck with your wish...but about the work thing...call that one a wash.
life is cruel and unjust.
i have many handicaps, i hurt all day, i'm dog ugly.
i've never had love, no, not even from my mother.
all i ever wanted was love, all i ever was, was a hole.
i have tried suicide, they brought me back.
i know why though. i have to live to help others.
i do that. in hundreds of ways. i pray for people,
give when i can, to whom ever i can. i say hello to
everybody. i read scripture everyday and i Praise the
TRINITY. i'm here regardless of how painful it is.
hope for love.
look for love.
but Above all Give love.
read Psalms. they really help.
Sounds like you're depressed. You'll probably hear that from a lot of answerers but it's true. Medication helps. If you do not want or can not afford to get a prescription, natural alternatives such as sAM-e, 5HTP, and DHEA are a good starting point. I take or have taken all of them and they work wonders. I have been in that place many times, where I'm just waiting to die, and hoping it will be sooner rather than later. Wanting someone to love proves that you are not beyond hope, that there is part of you that seeks companionship and life beyond the world you have created. Everyone has the right to hope, to dream, to love. You are not an exception. You should try one of the supplements I've stated above as well as a vitamin B complex, ginseng, ginko, and a regular multi-vitamin. The combination should be enough to kick-start your 'enthusiasm' and the rest of your life should follow suit. Hope this helped.
An echo from the one above me. ~YES~
No - not in your condition. You are very depressed. The depression could be warranted, or could be caused from a medical issue. Either way please get medical help.
The reason I said ';No'; is because, no one enjoys being around a negative person. Also negative people withdraw, so how are you going to meet anyone? Depressed people focus on the negative side of everything. Would you love someone like that?
When you are happy again, love will find you!
I struggled with depression for years (caused by hypothyroid) and the doctors helped me. I can't tell you how good it felt to be happy and laugh again. And you can too! I took anti-depressants for 1-1/2 years. Today I'm not on any medicine and I am still happy! Good luck and God bless.
If you already know Jesus, get up and shine for Him.If you don't, you definitely need Him.
Jesus wants all the best for you. He wants you to experience joy and contentment. So if there's something keeping that away from you, you need to tell Him about it. He knows how to fix it.
dear heart ~
I suspect that it is everyone's truest wish, desire, longing....
we all long to be received as the love that we are,
and to give all we have to give
Everything in this world arises from Love.
Even despair. Move yourself as you can, take an action and express yourself, tiny at first, just make a kind act towards anyone.
Let it blossom from there.
Keep your little camp fire burning, and pretty soon, it will be full and hot, and you will know the love you long to know..........
You are suffering from depression and the only one who can take it from you forever and heal you from it, is Jesus.
Call on His Name and ask Him to come into your heart , He can brake the chains tonight, you do not have to be tormented like that.
That's natural but you can't allow yourself to be so miserrable because you are without love. Go out and make yourself happy first. Do the things that are important to you and love will find you when it's ready.
Love cannot be rushed.
The story of Pandora's Box is that there is always hope. I'm sorry you are feeling this way, if you need to chat, I'm a good listener.
You can hope for true love, but if you are unwilling to actually do anything to make it happen, don't expect it to fall in your lap.
Everyone was ';made'; to be loved, accepted, revered, respected, and cherished. Humans are ';meant'; and ';made'; to be loved. So to give you a superficial answer to your question, yes, you have the right to hope for true love, along with the billions of other people who inhabit this planet. The Bible says that God created us in His own image (Genesis 1:27), and since we know that God is glorified and highly esteemed, it is only logical that a being created in His image (i.e., ';you';) would be intended to receive the same.
Now for the deeper perspective: the reason why finding ';true love'; can be difficult is because human beings operate based on outward appearances and emotion. Truth and love have absolutely nothing to do with what our senses taste, touch, smell, see, or hear, because what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal. That's why people have the tendency to cast out and reject people who have pure motives, right hearts, and good intentions towards them while simultaneously accepting people who are wicked, controlling, self-serving, and hateful. Just look at the kind of guys that high school girls prefer to date, and you need not look any further as a prime example of this. In reality, the human mind and soul is enmity against both truth and love, and prefers to lean towards deception and darkness. The world destroys and tramples both truth and love every opportunity it gets. Everyone who ';truly loves'; anyone is persecuted, oppressed, rejected, and scorned because truth and love, while covering imperfections and weaknesses, also have the unique irony of serving as a mirror which shows people what they really are. Those who are good embrace true love because their reflection is one of worthiness and light. But those who are wicked reject true love because the reflection they see is one that shows them as corrupt, immoral, debase, and rotten, and the sheer sight of their true reflection causes moral condemnation, guilt, and fear of punishment.
';True love'; is something that can only be experienced (that is to say, received) by faith and administered (that is, given out) by someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, ';the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us'; (Romans 5:5 KJV). True love is found only in people who are filled with the Spirit of God ... everyone else operates and walks in a defective - albeit sometimes convincingly real - kind of love.
God wants everyone to love their neighbor as they love themselves and to cause everyone to not only feel but know that they are loved, accepted, revered, respected, and cherished. We have a right to it, indeed. But all around us we see an insistent rebellion against the commandment of love. It's not God's fault we're not loved ... we are to blame for not loving one another as God intends.
For you to experience true love, you must go to the Source of Love, God Himself through faith. God loved you so much that He sent Jesus to Earth to bring His love to you. Of course, we all know how that turned out: when perfect love was made manifest in a man, the world killed him and hated him without cause.
But Jesus didn't stay dead, because love is stronger than death - He raised from the dead and became the power of resurrection so that all who seek life, love, and freedom might receive these things through faith in Him. If you place your faith in Him, God will re-order your life, show you true love, and also place people in your life who will be wellsprings of truth and love.
The decision is in your hands.
If you are courageous and open enough to truly pursue that which you seek, pray this from your heart:
';Heavenly Father, I have sinned against you and I ask for your forgiveness and mercy. I believe that Jesus came to Earth for me and that through Him I have the right to fellowship and unlimited love from You. I place my faith in Him and I believe that He is Lord of my life. Now release your Holy Spirit upon me, and fill me with life and love, in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.';
If you prayed that by faith, then congratulations, you are now free and life is about to re-order itself around you. True love isn't just something that you will experience, it is something that you will become once you make that step of faith.
Please, please, make yourself get out of the house! I know it sounds too simple to work but that will help your mental state by leaps and bounds. Next, would you consider talking to someone like a counselor? Also, please don't under estimate the power of attending a good church. That is why God established churches. People need to bond with other people! I don't care how bad you feel about yourself right now, you're the only one who can bring you out of this. God has the power to heal, but you have to reach out and accept the healing! He won't force it on you, you've got to play your role.
sorry i really don't know where to post this Q.Do i still have the right to hope for true love?
Yes. Many people meet people just right for them on the internet. Just be careful of what you believe. Honestly, I've met better people online than in bars and clubs. You can pick and choose what you have in common online. I suggest a dating website. Some are free, match.com is cool, webdate, matchmaker I think too.Do i still have the right to hope for true love?
Love, take a moment and just breath.....you're trying to do to much at one time...How can you love someone else if you don't love yourself enough to snap out of this hole your end..Now pull your self together...take a nice hot shower, put on some music and dance around the house...all by yourself..have a glass of wine if you like..but lets start loving ourself from the inside out one step at a time.. Go and get your hair done, get your nails done..see a movie just get out of the house. Next just relax and let things happen in God's time...We miss out on so many blessing trying to rush God plan.. Step out of your shell and just live and enjoy...Don't worry about what friends and family might think just make yourself happy doing positive things for you... Good luck
Your true nature ';IS'; Love. If you cannot feel Love for yourself, you will be incapable of Loving anyone else. Love yourself and the world will fall in Love with you. Deny yourself Love and it will avoid you!
God is Love - Book of James. Jesus is The truth. 3 pages of daily christian ways.
True Love is available but it only exists
in Scriptures. 1st John - 3 pages of basic ways of a follower of true love.
how long to read 6 pages? how long you been looking. in all the wrong places?
read the 6 pages and do not lean on your own understanding. or conform to the patterns of this world but rather renew your mind so you will know God's good and perfect will for you. Romans12:2 and 2cor10:5 conform your thoughts to Scripture or reject your thought. follow the leader. Word became flesh and flesh becomes word when you are minded in it. Then whatever you ask the Father in My Name He will do for you.
It is in your nature to want a man to love.
Try Church!
i don't go through anything like what your saying, but when I come back from deployment i'm always a bit down and don't feel like doing anything. So I at least understand the feelings.
I don't go seek med help, drugs only mask a problem. I ride it out.
as for finding a true love, if you keep doing what you have done in the past to find someone, and you keep being attracted to the same type of guys, you will keep suffering the same thing.
find someone different who will cherish you and honor and be faithful to you.
tall order, but look forsomeone that you have not looked for before.
You are accurately describing clinical depression. Get in touch with your county mental health entity, and get some help working for you. Don't wait. Get it under control, and get back to things like love, happiness, work, etc. It is all out there waiting for you. Good luck.
Okay I'm not sure if your a man or a women but it doesn't matter first let me say of course it's wonderful that you want to love someone and to be loved by someone. Most of us have been there. Second let me say maybe you are suffering from depression have you seen a doctor. If this is a change for you to not want ot do anything anymore that is a huge sign of depression and that can be helped. You should go see your primary care physician. My momma suffered from depression and she is doing so much better now that she is getting help. You shouldn't worry about finding love until you get yourself feeling better love will come in it's own time dedicate some time to yourself pamper yourself your worth it! God Bless You my friend.
you will always have the right to love, to be loved, but only you can make it happen, and if you have given up..it doesn't mean you've lost your right, it just means you've stopped trying..keep the faith what ever yours is.., but its totally up to you if it happens..
You sound really depressed, and I would hope you call someone who will help you through it.
My answer is, the problem you are having is not what you think, which is not being loved by others. Somewhere along the line, you did not internalize the truth that you are lovable. You don't love yourself. You must see how wonderful and lovable you are before you can love anyone else, or anyone can love you.
Go out and help someone who is in more need of love than you are right now.
Mother Teresa once told a devotee of hers when he asked what he could do for her, to go into the streets in the early morning hours, find someone who thinks he is alone, and convince him he is not.
You are not alone, my friend.
For our dreams to be realized we need to have a positive intention followed by positive action. In order for someone to love you, you have to first love yourself and then be able to love someone else. Prince or princess charming is not going to just show up on your doorstep. Deal with your depression first and then go out and live. If you are willing to do those things, I think you have every right to hope for love.
It sounds to me like you are depressed. I think the first step would be to get help for that. There is nothing wrong with seeking help when you need it. We all have periods in our lives when we feel that way. Remember that there is always hope for tomorrow and what it will bring and to love and be loved is something I think we all wish for.
I think so but unless your going try and pick up dates at a mental institution you might want to ease up a bit on yourself. I too have no desire to work and frankly the new people I've met recently have left me with little desire to continue the search. But that's just on a bad day. Chill out my friend, if your still breathing your still in the game. And really for a last wish you couldn't have picked a better one. That alone should fill you with hope. Good luck with your wish...but about the work thing...call that one a wash.
life is cruel and unjust.
i have many handicaps, i hurt all day, i'm dog ugly.
i've never had love, no, not even from my mother.
all i ever wanted was love, all i ever was, was a hole.
i have tried suicide, they brought me back.
i know why though. i have to live to help others.
i do that. in hundreds of ways. i pray for people,
give when i can, to whom ever i can. i say hello to
everybody. i read scripture everyday and i Praise the
TRINITY. i'm here regardless of how painful it is.
hope for love.
look for love.
but Above all Give love.
read Psalms. they really help.
Sounds like you're depressed. You'll probably hear that from a lot of answerers but it's true. Medication helps. If you do not want or can not afford to get a prescription, natural alternatives such as sAM-e, 5HTP, and DHEA are a good starting point. I take or have taken all of them and they work wonders. I have been in that place many times, where I'm just waiting to die, and hoping it will be sooner rather than later. Wanting someone to love proves that you are not beyond hope, that there is part of you that seeks companionship and life beyond the world you have created. Everyone has the right to hope, to dream, to love. You are not an exception. You should try one of the supplements I've stated above as well as a vitamin B complex, ginseng, ginko, and a regular multi-vitamin. The combination should be enough to kick-start your 'enthusiasm' and the rest of your life should follow suit. Hope this helped.
An echo from the one above me. ~YES~
No - not in your condition. You are very depressed. The depression could be warranted, or could be caused from a medical issue. Either way please get medical help.
The reason I said ';No'; is because, no one enjoys being around a negative person. Also negative people withdraw, so how are you going to meet anyone? Depressed people focus on the negative side of everything. Would you love someone like that?
When you are happy again, love will find you!
I struggled with depression for years (caused by hypothyroid) and the doctors helped me. I can't tell you how good it felt to be happy and laugh again. And you can too! I took anti-depressants for 1-1/2 years. Today I'm not on any medicine and I am still happy! Good luck and God bless.
If you already know Jesus, get up and shine for Him.If you don't, you definitely need Him.
Jesus wants all the best for you. He wants you to experience joy and contentment. So if there's something keeping that away from you, you need to tell Him about it. He knows how to fix it.
dear heart ~
I suspect that it is everyone's truest wish, desire, longing....
we all long to be received as the love that we are,
and to give all we have to give
Everything in this world arises from Love.
Even despair. Move yourself as you can, take an action and express yourself, tiny at first, just make a kind act towards anyone.
Let it blossom from there.
Keep your little camp fire burning, and pretty soon, it will be full and hot, and you will know the love you long to know..........
You are suffering from depression and the only one who can take it from you forever and heal you from it, is Jesus.
Call on His Name and ask Him to come into your heart , He can brake the chains tonight, you do not have to be tormented like that.
That's natural but you can't allow yourself to be so miserrable because you are without love. Go out and make yourself happy first. Do the things that are important to you and love will find you when it's ready.
Love cannot be rushed.
The story of Pandora's Box is that there is always hope. I'm sorry you are feeling this way, if you need to chat, I'm a good listener.
You can hope for true love, but if you are unwilling to actually do anything to make it happen, don't expect it to fall in your lap.
Everyone was ';made'; to be loved, accepted, revered, respected, and cherished. Humans are ';meant'; and ';made'; to be loved. So to give you a superficial answer to your question, yes, you have the right to hope for true love, along with the billions of other people who inhabit this planet. The Bible says that God created us in His own image (Genesis 1:27), and since we know that God is glorified and highly esteemed, it is only logical that a being created in His image (i.e., ';you';) would be intended to receive the same.
Now for the deeper perspective: the reason why finding ';true love'; can be difficult is because human beings operate based on outward appearances and emotion. Truth and love have absolutely nothing to do with what our senses taste, touch, smell, see, or hear, because what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal. That's why people have the tendency to cast out and reject people who have pure motives, right hearts, and good intentions towards them while simultaneously accepting people who are wicked, controlling, self-serving, and hateful. Just look at the kind of guys that high school girls prefer to date, and you need not look any further as a prime example of this. In reality, the human mind and soul is enmity against both truth and love, and prefers to lean towards deception and darkness. The world destroys and tramples both truth and love every opportunity it gets. Everyone who ';truly loves'; anyone is persecuted, oppressed, rejected, and scorned because truth and love, while covering imperfections and weaknesses, also have the unique irony of serving as a mirror which shows people what they really are. Those who are good embrace true love because their reflection is one of worthiness and light. But those who are wicked reject true love because the reflection they see is one that shows them as corrupt, immoral, debase, and rotten, and the sheer sight of their true reflection causes moral condemnation, guilt, and fear of punishment.
';True love'; is something that can only be experienced (that is to say, received) by faith and administered (that is, given out) by someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, ';the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us'; (Romans 5:5 KJV). True love is found only in people who are filled with the Spirit of God ... everyone else operates and walks in a defective - albeit sometimes convincingly real - kind of love.
God wants everyone to love their neighbor as they love themselves and to cause everyone to not only feel but know that they are loved, accepted, revered, respected, and cherished. We have a right to it, indeed. But all around us we see an insistent rebellion against the commandment of love. It's not God's fault we're not loved ... we are to blame for not loving one another as God intends.
For you to experience true love, you must go to the Source of Love, God Himself through faith. God loved you so much that He sent Jesus to Earth to bring His love to you. Of course, we all know how that turned out: when perfect love was made manifest in a man, the world killed him and hated him without cause.
But Jesus didn't stay dead, because love is stronger than death - He raised from the dead and became the power of resurrection so that all who seek life, love, and freedom might receive these things through faith in Him. If you place your faith in Him, God will re-order your life, show you true love, and also place people in your life who will be wellsprings of truth and love.
The decision is in your hands.
If you are courageous and open enough to truly pursue that which you seek, pray this from your heart:
';Heavenly Father, I have sinned against you and I ask for your forgiveness and mercy. I believe that Jesus came to Earth for me and that through Him I have the right to fellowship and unlimited love from You. I place my faith in Him and I believe that He is Lord of my life. Now release your Holy Spirit upon me, and fill me with life and love, in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.';
If you prayed that by faith, then congratulations, you are now free and life is about to re-order itself around you. True love isn't just something that you will experience, it is something that you will become once you make that step of faith.
Please, please, make yourself get out of the house! I know it sounds too simple to work but that will help your mental state by leaps and bounds. Next, would you consider talking to someone like a counselor? Also, please don't under estimate the power of attending a good church. That is why God established churches. People need to bond with other people! I don't care how bad you feel about yourself right now, you're the only one who can bring you out of this. God has the power to heal, but you have to reach out and accept the healing! He won't force it on you, you've got to play your role.
What dream have you held inside since you were a child, that you still hope will one day, come true..?
That i will some day get a book published.What dream have you held inside since you were a child, that you still hope will one day, come true..?
Still waiting to marry Stewart Copeland....!What dream have you held inside since you were a child, that you still hope will one day, come true..?
I am German.And my biggest Dream is to move to Scotland one day.Since i have seen the Musicclip ';Mull of Kintyre';by Paul Mc Cartney.
Well I had this childhood dream of becoming a doctor and curing the world of all sickness and even stopping all people from dying! That's out of the window now! However, I have no regrets! I am a HR Manager at 26 and that is cool!!!
that I'd become a famous star in every rite! get married, have a family, good husband, write a book, sing, and do voice-overs for cartoons and movies! and until i have done all those things, I'll never consider myself a true grown-up!
Still waiting for my superpowers to be revealed, possibly due to being from another planet...
To open my own Sanrio Surprises store. If you dont know, that is the company that makes Hello Kitty! Ive been obsessed since I was 5.
That I could live a normal life Huh that's a laugh..
The same as the first person, actually! Yes, I have always always wanted to be a writer.
that i could fly!!
True love, happiness, marriage and children.A chance to see and be a part of a truly loving family.
I wanted to be Michael Jackson....
Im one step closer than I was back then though as I dont need a negroplasty now :-)dog hair
Still waiting to marry Stewart Copeland....!What dream have you held inside since you were a child, that you still hope will one day, come true..?
I am German.And my biggest Dream is to move to Scotland one day.Since i have seen the Musicclip ';Mull of Kintyre';by Paul Mc Cartney.
Well I had this childhood dream of becoming a doctor and curing the world of all sickness and even stopping all people from dying! That's out of the window now! However, I have no regrets! I am a HR Manager at 26 and that is cool!!!
that I'd become a famous star in every rite! get married, have a family, good husband, write a book, sing, and do voice-overs for cartoons and movies! and until i have done all those things, I'll never consider myself a true grown-up!
Still waiting for my superpowers to be revealed, possibly due to being from another planet...
To open my own Sanrio Surprises store. If you dont know, that is the company that makes Hello Kitty! Ive been obsessed since I was 5.
That I could live a normal life Huh that's a laugh..
The same as the first person, actually! Yes, I have always always wanted to be a writer.
that i could fly!!
True love, happiness, marriage and children.A chance to see and be a part of a truly loving family.
I wanted to be Michael Jackson....
Im one step closer than I was back then though as I dont need a negroplasty now :-)
What is your biggest dream? That you hope will come true? Will it?
Every dream I've had in life so far I've worked to make come true: wanted to be a writer, wanted to live in Europe, travel, etc and I've realized the dreams through making certain choices and doing things calculated to end in success. My biggest dream right now is getting my novel published and I find this experience fascinating because I can write the perfect query letter, research an Agency, do everything `right' and still not meet with success. I've been rejected now by six literary agents and, while it's frustrating, it really is a fascinating experience - like a game where `normal' rules don't apply and one must figure out what these new rules are. So, will this dream come true? I really don't know. I hope so though. I'm working on it...........What is your biggest dream? That you hope will come true? Will it?
When I was 10 I used to take my umbrella and jump off of my back porch in hopes that I'd fly like Mary Poppins.
I'm now 26, and I'm still waiting...What is your biggest dream? That you hope will come true? Will it?
A painless death. When the time comes I hope I can manage it.
i want superpowers
fingers crossed
When I was 10 I used to take my umbrella and jump off of my back porch in hopes that I'd fly like Mary Poppins.
I'm now 26, and I'm still waiting...What is your biggest dream? That you hope will come true? Will it?
A painless death. When the time comes I hope I can manage it.
i want superpowers
fingers crossed
Hello everyone, please help! i am desperate and i need to make my dream come true. i hope you guys will help!?
i used to have this friend when i was in my country. then she moved to USA and i lost contact with her. i am actually in USA, i had tried everything to find her, myspace, facebook, hi5 and so on. But i couldn't find her, all i know her name is Jolina Pascal, she is Haitian, she is the second child of a family of 4 children, dark skin, long hair, black eyes.
if someone knows any jolina Pascal, please let me know and finding my friend will be my christmas present...
Please help!Hello everyone, please help! i am desperate and i need to make my dream come true. i hope you guys will help!?
Try People Finders and prayer
if someone knows any jolina Pascal, please let me know and finding my friend will be my christmas present...
Please help!Hello everyone, please help! i am desperate and i need to make my dream come true. i hope you guys will help!?
Try People Finders and prayer
I have been hearing rumours that finally AC/DC has a new album coming out in 2006 is this true? I hope so!?
yes but dont know if its definately this year as they are quite under the pump just lately,arent they preparing a tour??I have been hearing rumours that finally AC/DC has a new album coming out in 2006 is this true? I hope so!?
I have read that approximately one third of ulcerative colitis cases turn cancerous.If true,what hope is there?
This genuinely worries me.I have u/c and have had it for several years. There is also a history of this, colorectal cancer and diverticulitis within my immediate family.My aunt died of colorectal cancer,my mother suffered horribly with diverticulitis all her days and more so in her latter days, eventually resulting in major surgery meaning that she ended up with a colostomy and still had the bloody disease to deal with!I'm sure that it shortened her life (she died aged sixty nine).Please advise.Thank you.I have read that approximately one third of ulcerative colitis cases turn cancerous.If true,what hope is there?
I have not read or heard ulcerative colitis increases the risk of cancer, but that doesn't mean it isn't so. Because you have a family history of cancer and diverticulitis you and your siblings (if any) are predisposed. It is hereditary! Please see your doctor to have him arrange a colonoscopy for you. Regular screenings can save your life! I have read that approximately one third of ulcerative colitis cases turn cancerous.If true,what hope is there?
If 1/3 turn into cancer, you have the other 2/3 that won't. THAT's hope!
There are new cures every day. I'm sorry about your aunt and your mom. You know your family history, so you are already ahead of the game. Be tested. Take care of yourself.
you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.
I have not read or heard ulcerative colitis increases the risk of cancer, but that doesn't mean it isn't so. Because you have a family history of cancer and diverticulitis you and your siblings (if any) are predisposed. It is hereditary! Please see your doctor to have him arrange a colonoscopy for you. Regular screenings can save your life! I have read that approximately one third of ulcerative colitis cases turn cancerous.If true,what hope is there?
If 1/3 turn into cancer, you have the other 2/3 that won't. THAT's hope!
There are new cures every day. I'm sorry about your aunt and your mom. You know your family history, so you are already ahead of the game. Be tested. Take care of yourself.
you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.
Is it true that the skin slides down your man thing when you do it a couple times. I hope you know what I mean?
IS IT?!?!?!?!Is it true that the skin slides down your man thing when you do it a couple times. I hope you know what I mean?
no that is not true
no that is not true
Ive never believed the Daily star before but i really hope this article is true!?
Think he could come?Ive never believed the Daily star before but i really hope this article is true!?
dont think so but it could happenIve never believed the Daily star before but i really hope this article is true!?
Its a TABLOID paper, don't believe what they say just take it as entertainment. People believe whatever they hear in those things and the stories are like make believe. Did you learn nothing in your school media lessons? I sure did :P.
there's no quotes so no.
go ahead Arsene ! sign him !
Good luck Wenger!
Yeah we were hoping to get him last season but Rafa got us outta the competition!
AN dnow since he pulled out were in!dog hair
Think he could come?Ive never believed the Daily star before but i really hope this article is true!?
dont think so but it could happenIve never believed the Daily star before but i really hope this article is true!?
Its a TABLOID paper, don't believe what they say just take it as entertainment. People believe whatever they hear in those things and the stories are like make believe. Did you learn nothing in your school media lessons? I sure did :P.
there's no quotes so no.
go ahead Arsene ! sign him !
Good luck Wenger!
Yeah we were hoping to get him last season but Rafa got us outta the competition!
AN dnow since he pulled out were in!
R&P: Do you think this is true????? I hope it is (plus BQs!)!?
I just read an article that SOUNDGARDEN might be reuniting for a summer tour next year!!!!!!!!!!! Are you guys surprised by this at all? Here's the article:
If it is, HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be one of the first people in line in Houston to buy tickets!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!! lol, y'all know already how obsessed I am with this band (and Chris Cornell too!!!!!)
BQ: Favorite Soundgarden song(s)
BQ2: Your opinion of Chris Cornell collaborating with Timbaland
BQ3: If you could have Michael Jackson collaborate with any of your favorite musicians, who would you choose and why?
Remember to *star*! Thanks!
Good night R%26amp;P! :DR%26amp;P: Do you think this is true????? I hope it is (plus BQs!)!?
I hope it's true! I read it in Wiki too. I know Wiki can be unreliable but... I would so love to see them! I did see Audioslave and I love Chris' voice.
At the 2009 Download Festival in Donington Park, England, Shinedown singer Brent Smith gave an interview with Kerrang! in which he said ';There's talk of a reuniting of Soundgarden in the States soon. I know actually someone specific who told me that, who is actually specifically in their organization. Kinda told me that they're talking about it.'; According to the same article, The Pulse of Radio received information from ';an inside source'; indicating that a Soungarden reunion tour is being scheduled for the summer of 2010. All four members are said to be interested in the reunion.
BA: Black Hole Sun, Outshined, Spoonman, Fell On Black Days, Pretty Noose, Burden In My Hand, Blow Up The Outside World
BA2: I liked him better with Soundgarden and Audioslave.
BA3: It's a little too soon for me to think about something like that right now. I'm still in a little bit of shock I think.R%26amp;P: Do you think this is true????? I hope it is (plus BQs!)!?
Yeah, I wanted to share with everyone when I read that on KROQ, but I couldn't really find a way to post a link to the article. I yelled out ';WHAT?'; when I first saw it.
BQ: Jesus Christ Pose and Face Pollution
BQ2: I hate it, but there's a couple remixes I really like, such as this one
BQ3: MJ with Chris Cornell's solo stuff might have probably worked out pretty well.
thank god! I can't stand chris cornell doing R%26amp;B. I hope so. fingers croosed. I'm obsessed with chris cornell too. he makes it okay for a straight man to be turned on by him
BQ:jesus christ pose
BQ2:... no comment
this is amazing. I ws just listening to hunger strike by temple of the dog
Alright! haha yes thats awesome its gonna take along time to wipe this grin off my face :) whats that?Karl Malden died :(
The Day i Tried To Live
Black Hole Sun
Rusty Cage
BQ3-Bon Scott but for alive it would be Chris Cornell :)
I think it could be just a rumour through and that nothing has been verfied by anyone else that was in the band Soundgarden about them reuniting and doing a tour next year
BQ: Rusty Cage
BQ2: I didnt like it
BQ3: Prince for certain reasons
Lil !!!!! :D
good to see you kiddo!!
I have heard from various reliable sources that they will be reuniting
Just on a personal note Faith No More reunited this summer and so far they playing everywhere except the Fu*king USA!!! Pisses me OFF!
I hope it's true, I'd love to see SG live. Think you could save a spot for me in the line?
BQ: Rusty Cage, Flower
BQ2: Aah!
Well, if they do...oh my pickles..I'm speechless..
BQ: ';the Day I tried to Live';
BQ2: Oh..can we leave that in the past... :P
BQ3: o.o Probably..uh..The Killers? I can imagine it.. :)
I heard they're reuniting in order to celebrate my return to the US. It's gonna be awesome.
BA: Hands All Over
BA2: I likd it. Not his best, but not nearly as bad as it was made out to be.
probally since chris cornells solo stuff sucks and he probally has house payments to make.
i know!!!
I am so excited, about this, i hope it goes ahead, if they re-unite and dont play in the UK i will actually travel to USA to see them.
As you know they are my favourite band, i saw audioslave in 2006 and they were good they did black hole sun !!!!
BQ: my top ten sg songs are
1. Pretty noose
2. Outshined
3. Burden in my hand
4. Slaves and Bulldozers
5. 4th of July
6. My wave
7. Jesus Christ Pose
8. Searching with my good eye closed
9. Hands all over
10. Spoonman
BQ2: my view on this was, yeah its not as good as his other stuff, but its still cornell, cmon'...
BQ3: Cornell because imagine cornell's and jackson's voices together and mixed with jacksons dancing would be epic!!
Please choose me as best answer lily :) i never got one off you before lol and sg are my favourite band, erm you dont have to but would appreciate it if you did!!
A little surprised, but after big time groups have been broken up for a decade or so it's fairly common that reunion tours happen. A new album is a different story though. That'd surprise me (and be pretty cool to boot.)
BA: I have a thing for ';Big Dumb Sex';. But beyond that I like the hits like ';Black Hole Sun'; and ';Rusty Cage'; and ';Outshined';. I also dig ';Blow Up the Outside World';.
BA2: Timbaland is a hell of a producer so I could see him producing a great Cornell record. What would be even better is some rap/rock fusion from the two. That could be pretty awesome.
BA3: I think Jackson and DJ wizard Dan the Automator could have put together some legendary hip hop/dance music.
If it is, HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be one of the first people in line in Houston to buy tickets!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!! lol, y'all know already how obsessed I am with this band (and Chris Cornell too!!!!!)
BQ: Favorite Soundgarden song(s)
BQ2: Your opinion of Chris Cornell collaborating with Timbaland
BQ3: If you could have Michael Jackson collaborate with any of your favorite musicians, who would you choose and why?
Remember to *star*! Thanks!
Good night R%26amp;P! :DR%26amp;P: Do you think this is true????? I hope it is (plus BQs!)!?
I hope it's true! I read it in Wiki too. I know Wiki can be unreliable but... I would so love to see them! I did see Audioslave and I love Chris' voice.
At the 2009 Download Festival in Donington Park, England, Shinedown singer Brent Smith gave an interview with Kerrang! in which he said ';There's talk of a reuniting of Soundgarden in the States soon. I know actually someone specific who told me that, who is actually specifically in their organization. Kinda told me that they're talking about it.'; According to the same article, The Pulse of Radio received information from ';an inside source'; indicating that a Soungarden reunion tour is being scheduled for the summer of 2010. All four members are said to be interested in the reunion.
BA: Black Hole Sun, Outshined, Spoonman, Fell On Black Days, Pretty Noose, Burden In My Hand, Blow Up The Outside World
BA2: I liked him better with Soundgarden and Audioslave.
BA3: It's a little too soon for me to think about something like that right now. I'm still in a little bit of shock I think.R%26amp;P: Do you think this is true????? I hope it is (plus BQs!)!?
Yeah, I wanted to share with everyone when I read that on KROQ, but I couldn't really find a way to post a link to the article. I yelled out ';WHAT?'; when I first saw it.
BQ: Jesus Christ Pose and Face Pollution
BQ2: I hate it, but there's a couple remixes I really like, such as this one
BQ3: MJ with Chris Cornell's solo stuff might have probably worked out pretty well.
thank god! I can't stand chris cornell doing R%26amp;B. I hope so. fingers croosed. I'm obsessed with chris cornell too. he makes it okay for a straight man to be turned on by him
BQ:jesus christ pose
BQ2:... no comment
this is amazing. I ws just listening to hunger strike by temple of the dog
Alright! haha yes thats awesome its gonna take along time to wipe this grin off my face :) whats that?Karl Malden died :(
The Day i Tried To Live
Black Hole Sun
Rusty Cage
BQ3-Bon Scott but for alive it would be Chris Cornell :)
I think it could be just a rumour through and that nothing has been verfied by anyone else that was in the band Soundgarden about them reuniting and doing a tour next year
BQ: Rusty Cage
BQ2: I didnt like it
BQ3: Prince for certain reasons
Lil !!!!! :D
good to see you kiddo!!
I have heard from various reliable sources that they will be reuniting
Just on a personal note Faith No More reunited this summer and so far they playing everywhere except the Fu*king USA!!! Pisses me OFF!
I hope it's true, I'd love to see SG live. Think you could save a spot for me in the line?
BQ: Rusty Cage, Flower
BQ2: Aah!
Well, if they do...oh my pickles..I'm speechless..
BQ: ';the Day I tried to Live';
BQ2: Oh..can we leave that in the past... :P
BQ3: o.o Probably..uh..The Killers? I can imagine it.. :)
I heard they're reuniting in order to celebrate my return to the US. It's gonna be awesome.
BA: Hands All Over
BA2: I likd it. Not his best, but not nearly as bad as it was made out to be.
probally since chris cornells solo stuff sucks and he probally has house payments to make.
i know!!!
I am so excited, about this, i hope it goes ahead, if they re-unite and dont play in the UK i will actually travel to USA to see them.
As you know they are my favourite band, i saw audioslave in 2006 and they were good they did black hole sun !!!!
BQ: my top ten sg songs are
1. Pretty noose
2. Outshined
3. Burden in my hand
4. Slaves and Bulldozers
5. 4th of July
6. My wave
7. Jesus Christ Pose
8. Searching with my good eye closed
9. Hands all over
10. Spoonman
BQ2: my view on this was, yeah its not as good as his other stuff, but its still cornell, cmon'...
BQ3: Cornell because imagine cornell's and jackson's voices together and mixed with jacksons dancing would be epic!!
Please choose me as best answer lily :) i never got one off you before lol and sg are my favourite band, erm you dont have to but would appreciate it if you did!!
A little surprised, but after big time groups have been broken up for a decade or so it's fairly common that reunion tours happen. A new album is a different story though. That'd surprise me (and be pretty cool to boot.)
BA: I have a thing for ';Big Dumb Sex';. But beyond that I like the hits like ';Black Hole Sun'; and ';Rusty Cage'; and ';Outshined';. I also dig ';Blow Up the Outside World';.
BA2: Timbaland is a hell of a producer so I could see him producing a great Cornell record. What would be even better is some rap/rock fusion from the two. That could be pretty awesome.
BA3: I think Jackson and DJ wizard Dan the Automator could have put together some legendary hip hop/dance music.
Is faith anything more than deciding to believe something you hope is true?
What?Is faith anything more than deciding to believe something you hope is true?
Faith is only as great as that which you have faith in.
Those who love and seek the truth receve a gift from God called faith.
Through faith comes revelation from God.
Through revelation a personal relationship with God.Is faith anything more than deciding to believe something you hope is true?
';Faith is believing what you know ain't so';.
No. Faith is believing in something without evidence.
Example: Joe has faith that the world will end in 2012. Do you think Joe hopes the world ends in 2012?
We need to think more critically.
That and the feeling that those specific thoughts give you.
Yes dear, faith is believing what you are told to believe without asking questions or looking for proofs.
That is exactly what faith is. You defined it so well.
Faith is the unquestioning belief in the preposterous.
Yes...faith is hearing the Word..and it is way way incredible...it is a gift from God. Believing in something because you think you are right, makes you wrong....Hoping and believing in the love of God because you know you are wrong and dirty and hopeless and powerless will lead you to truth of God. Jesus. Faith is a gift delivered to us from God when our own thoughts and faith fail us. God is faithful to those who will hear Him and our minds are renewed and we are given eyes to see and ears to hear and that is faith. Watch out for people who just think they are right because they are prideful.
Faith is trust, trust is only gained when previous encounters have proven someone to be reliable. My grandpa has never let me down so I have faith in him, I know I can trust him. My brother has let me down in many cases, so I do not have faith in him. One historian's word has proven to be valid, so I have more faith in whatever else they say. Another historian has fudged up details, so I have less faith in what they say. Faith is synonymous with trust.
Actually the word is really a verb, to faith. Belief is different than faith. I can believe a chair will support my weight, but I faith by performing an act of trust by applying my weight to it and allowing it to support me. Therefor unless belief is accompanied by action it is not faith.
Faith is access to definitive knowledge that cannot be accessed any other way. Lack of faith is truly ignorance, and sadly, ignorance of that which alone will have eternal consequences.
I don't think so. Sometimes, maybe, but not always. There are things about Catholicism that I may not always agree with, but I know in my heart that God is real, that Jesus Christ is real, that Mary is real, that heaven is real, etc. It's in my heart, I gravitate to it. That's something etched inside of a persons soul, faith.
Spot on. Or should that be smokin'
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Faith is only as great as that which you have faith in.
Those who love and seek the truth receve a gift from God called faith.
Through faith comes revelation from God.
Through revelation a personal relationship with God.Is faith anything more than deciding to believe something you hope is true?
';Faith is believing what you know ain't so';.
No. Faith is believing in something without evidence.
Example: Joe has faith that the world will end in 2012. Do you think Joe hopes the world ends in 2012?
We need to think more critically.
That and the feeling that those specific thoughts give you.
Yes dear, faith is believing what you are told to believe without asking questions or looking for proofs.
That is exactly what faith is. You defined it so well.
Faith is the unquestioning belief in the preposterous.
Yes...faith is hearing the Word..and it is way way incredible...it is a gift from God. Believing in something because you think you are right, makes you wrong....Hoping and believing in the love of God because you know you are wrong and dirty and hopeless and powerless will lead you to truth of God. Jesus. Faith is a gift delivered to us from God when our own thoughts and faith fail us. God is faithful to those who will hear Him and our minds are renewed and we are given eyes to see and ears to hear and that is faith. Watch out for people who just think they are right because they are prideful.
Faith is trust, trust is only gained when previous encounters have proven someone to be reliable. My grandpa has never let me down so I have faith in him, I know I can trust him. My brother has let me down in many cases, so I do not have faith in him. One historian's word has proven to be valid, so I have more faith in whatever else they say. Another historian has fudged up details, so I have less faith in what they say. Faith is synonymous with trust.
Actually the word is really a verb, to faith. Belief is different than faith. I can believe a chair will support my weight, but I faith by performing an act of trust by applying my weight to it and allowing it to support me. Therefor unless belief is accompanied by action it is not faith.
Faith is access to definitive knowledge that cannot be accessed any other way. Lack of faith is truly ignorance, and sadly, ignorance of that which alone will have eternal consequences.
I don't think so. Sometimes, maybe, but not always. There are things about Catholicism that I may not always agree with, but I know in my heart that God is real, that Jesus Christ is real, that Mary is real, that heaven is real, etc. It's in my heart, I gravitate to it. That's something etched inside of a persons soul, faith.
Spot on. Or should that be smokin'
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Is it true that Barack Obama invented the word HOPE?
oh yeah. cause people weren't saying hope a hundred years ago when Obama wasnt even born yet.Is it true that Barack Obama invented the word HOPE?
i do believe that the word has existed before obama's existence, but he did bring hope into this highly pessimistic time.
i do believe that the word has existed before obama's existence, but he did bring hope into this highly pessimistic time.
He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
I am engaged and my fiance and I already have a date for our wedding nexyt year. That is going to be in April the day between our birthdays (his is April 14 mine is April 2).
I have known my fiance for 3 years from friendship to how we are now. Yes, I knew him well and in 3 years that I have known him, and he is the same person I knew three years ago only that he is more amazing now. He is pretty consistent as who he is. He never swear or use bad words, he is very thoughtful and we never fight. We disagree on certain things but we still manage to talk about it like we are just having conversation. Am I going to be his first? Yes. How lucky am I?! He is a good looking guy and I think of myself as an average but then, he so crazy about me. Again, I'm fortunate. I am deeply inlove with him. We are both catholic and our parents are big time religious and conservatives. I just could find any flaws in his personality or him as person. Not that I want one. He is just a person who you would say '; He is really a nice a guy';. He is too good to be true! Indeed he is.
In terms of sex, we do foreplay and all that but we want to wait until were married to finally have intercourse. I slept next to him every night, feeling his agony in refusing the temptation. Whenever I would tempt or seduce him like a stupid evil woman, he would always remind me ';Baby,I can wait for few more months, I already have been patient for for more than 3 years';. Amazing he is. I am not saying we do not do those that really make us feel good we just set limit about having an actualy SI till we get married. Am I lucky?Very.
As our wedding is fast approaching, I'm becoming more anxious. I still can not believe that I am going to be his wife soon. It is an overwhelming feeling and I still can not believe I have him in my life and will have him everyday of my life. I really hope he I deserve him.
Is he a modem saint who is allowed to marry a devlish woman like me???He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
If he is perfect then you must be too. He loves you for who you are! Lucky luck girl. Just dont brag too much ok darling?
best answer!He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
You're not devilish. You guys are perfect for each other. Why wonder whether he is too good for you? He deserves you and he knows that. If he doesnt know that, you guys wont even be gettting married! Be happy and congrats for finding THE ONE!!
you are such a show off I bet you wrote this for the sole purpose of telling strangers about your boyfriend.
well ive known mine since I was 9. and we liked eachother then. so there LOL
You go girl!
I am still searching for mine, and waiting until marriage too.
Best of luck to you and wish me luck on my journey/quest!
I didn't read it all sorry but sometimes its the saint and the devil that make the best couple.
Congrats:) just don't tempt him too much, he has waited this long don't make it hard on him
ne1 is allowed to marry ne1 the thing is can u keep ur devilish ways on a hush for years n years to come?
you are very lucky please quit teasing him
good luck on ypur marriage
you have what so many people are looking for. You are truly blessed as well as him.
It's all very true.
Until divorce.
Just sayin'!
very lucky
im born on the same day as u!!
is there a real question in all of this???
Congratulations you're in love. want to continue to rub it in for the rest of us who are not?
I have known my fiance for 3 years from friendship to how we are now. Yes, I knew him well and in 3 years that I have known him, and he is the same person I knew three years ago only that he is more amazing now. He is pretty consistent as who he is. He never swear or use bad words, he is very thoughtful and we never fight. We disagree on certain things but we still manage to talk about it like we are just having conversation. Am I going to be his first? Yes. How lucky am I?! He is a good looking guy and I think of myself as an average but then, he so crazy about me. Again, I'm fortunate. I am deeply inlove with him. We are both catholic and our parents are big time religious and conservatives. I just could find any flaws in his personality or him as person. Not that I want one. He is just a person who you would say '; He is really a nice a guy';. He is too good to be true! Indeed he is.
In terms of sex, we do foreplay and all that but we want to wait until were married to finally have intercourse. I slept next to him every night, feeling his agony in refusing the temptation. Whenever I would tempt or seduce him like a stupid evil woman, he would always remind me ';Baby,I can wait for few more months, I already have been patient for for more than 3 years';. Amazing he is. I am not saying we do not do those that really make us feel good we just set limit about having an actualy SI till we get married. Am I lucky?Very.
As our wedding is fast approaching, I'm becoming more anxious. I still can not believe that I am going to be his wife soon. It is an overwhelming feeling and I still can not believe I have him in my life and will have him everyday of my life. I really hope he I deserve him.
Is he a modem saint who is allowed to marry a devlish woman like me???He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
If he is perfect then you must be too. He loves you for who you are! Lucky luck girl. Just dont brag too much ok darling?
best answer!He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
You're not devilish. You guys are perfect for each other. Why wonder whether he is too good for you? He deserves you and he knows that. If he doesnt know that, you guys wont even be gettting married! Be happy and congrats for finding THE ONE!!
you are such a show off I bet you wrote this for the sole purpose of telling strangers about your boyfriend.
well ive known mine since I was 9. and we liked eachother then. so there LOL
You go girl!
I am still searching for mine, and waiting until marriage too.
Best of luck to you and wish me luck on my journey/quest!
I didn't read it all sorry but sometimes its the saint and the devil that make the best couple.
Congrats:) just don't tempt him too much, he has waited this long don't make it hard on him
ne1 is allowed to marry ne1 the thing is can u keep ur devilish ways on a hush for years n years to come?
you are very lucky please quit teasing him
good luck on ypur marriage
you have what so many people are looking for. You are truly blessed as well as him.
It's all very true.
Until divorce.
Just sayin'!
very lucky
im born on the same day as u!!
is there a real question in all of this???
Congratulations you're in love. want to continue to rub it in for the rest of us who are not?
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Stop looking and you'll find it. That's what happened to me. As soon as I stopped dwelling on it and moved on with the other aspects of my life - *poof* God sent me my husband. We've been together 6 years today and I couldn't be happier! We always want everything right now, but we forget that it's not our time - it's His, and He has a plan for each of us, but only when He is ready.
Bless You! :)Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
God will give it to you if you believe, you can attract what you want from the universe. On a practical level, you can improve your chances by doing the right things. Do a search on David De Angelo and Mr. R LX. Materials like these are helping me do better! And remember, things come in their ';season';. ';The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the desires of every living thing.';
Nah dude, nothing worng with you except one thing: be stronger!
Don't feel desperate for a girl - just enjoy your life and have fun doing whatever you like doing.
You'll most likely run into someone and you might hit it off well. In which case this will be your opportunity to give her your number and pray she calls/texts you so you can see each other again.
If not, keep going out and meeting new people. I'm guessing you're in your teen years, right? You got your whole life ahead of you, so don't worry about it.
You might be trying too hard. Don't just give up, change your tactics. It won't happen over night so don't just try it once and give up. I seriously doubt there is something wrong with you personally maybe just your approach. Be true to yourself, be true to them. Don't put on a show just because you think it is what they want. Just be you. Simplicity is always best in almost every application.
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No there's nothing wrong with you, and in a word yes, you will find true love.
But true love takes a hell of a lot of time and effort. That's why people spend a long time attempting to find it, but it's out there.
There's nothing wrong with you. Almost everyone finds true love in their life so long as that's what their heart truly wants. There is still time left. I do have to tell you..do not look for it. It will find you.
Nothing is wrong with you. You just haven't found 'the one' yet. Calm down. Be yourself and wait. No body goes out their front door one day and finds the right person standing right there. It takes time. Trust me on this one. Good luck!!! :)
Breaking up can be extremely painful from time to time. I got some fantastic assistance from this web resource http://polenz.datingconnections.info when I was in a identical position.
Well are you a girl or a guy?? lol
im guessing your a guy... lol just charm a girl. theres not always ';the one'; out there thats just make believe crap!! GO ON A JOURNEY AND im sure you'll find your lover :) it always happens when u least expect it so just go on with your life and stop worrying!!!!
maybe you set your standards too high and are looking for prince charming or the guy from The Notebook. Not that I'm saying you'e ugly which you might be idk but maybe try lowering your standards and you will meet a nice guy or your ';true love.';
There is nothing wrong with you! True love will come your way one day! Just be patient. It my seem like forever. But when you find it, it will defiantly be worth the wait.
Stay alone
is good for health
don't think about a true love
There is nothing type to true love
Only your mother's love is true
You just have to find the right one is all, I always think the same, because I cant open myself up to people but want to. You just need to find mr right
I am 32 and not married. I wish I were homosexual sometimes.
you wont find anything but sarcasm and crude attempts at humor on the internet
@reese4breakfast: old ascii art is old... nice touch though
Nothing wrong with you its human nature to feel like that. Hope you find what you are looking for.
Eh...'true love' is over-rated.
yep, probably the same thing that's wrong with me.
Nah. lots of people feel like you do. Wanting to find that ';special someone'; All I can say is good luck.
Quit looking for it, and go find it.
No there is nothing wrong with you! and you will find true love someday!
i feel it is natural and you are maturing
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Stop looking and you'll find it. That's what happened to me. As soon as I stopped dwelling on it and moved on with the other aspects of my life - *poof* God sent me my husband. We've been together 6 years today and I couldn't be happier! We always want everything right now, but we forget that it's not our time - it's His, and He has a plan for each of us, but only when He is ready.
Bless You! :)Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
God will give it to you if you believe, you can attract what you want from the universe. On a practical level, you can improve your chances by doing the right things. Do a search on David De Angelo and Mr. R LX. Materials like these are helping me do better! And remember, things come in their ';season';. ';The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the desires of every living thing.';
Nah dude, nothing worng with you except one thing: be stronger!
Don't feel desperate for a girl - just enjoy your life and have fun doing whatever you like doing.
You'll most likely run into someone and you might hit it off well. In which case this will be your opportunity to give her your number and pray she calls/texts you so you can see each other again.
If not, keep going out and meeting new people. I'm guessing you're in your teen years, right? You got your whole life ahead of you, so don't worry about it.
You might be trying too hard. Don't just give up, change your tactics. It won't happen over night so don't just try it once and give up. I seriously doubt there is something wrong with you personally maybe just your approach. Be true to yourself, be true to them. Don't put on a show just because you think it is what they want. Just be you. Simplicity is always best in almost every application.
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~.,
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. . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:”. . . ./
. . . . . . .?. . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :`. . . ./
. . . . . . . /__.(. . .“~-,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`. . . .. ./
. . . . . . /(_. . ”~,_. . . ..“~,_. . . . . . . . . .,:`. . . . _/
. . . .. .{.._$;_. . .”=,_. . . .“-,_. . . ,.-~-,}, .~”; /. .. .}
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. . . . . .(. ..`=-,,. . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . ..(. . . ;_,,-”
. . . . . ../.`~,. . ..`-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\. . /\
. . . . . . \`~.*-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..|,./.....\,__
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`%26gt;--==``
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No there's nothing wrong with you, and in a word yes, you will find true love.
But true love takes a hell of a lot of time and effort. That's why people spend a long time attempting to find it, but it's out there.
There's nothing wrong with you. Almost everyone finds true love in their life so long as that's what their heart truly wants. There is still time left. I do have to tell you..do not look for it. It will find you.
Nothing is wrong with you. You just haven't found 'the one' yet. Calm down. Be yourself and wait. No body goes out their front door one day and finds the right person standing right there. It takes time. Trust me on this one. Good luck!!! :)
Breaking up can be extremely painful from time to time. I got some fantastic assistance from this web resource http://polenz.datingconnections.info when I was in a identical position.
Well are you a girl or a guy?? lol
im guessing your a guy... lol just charm a girl. theres not always ';the one'; out there thats just make believe crap!! GO ON A JOURNEY AND im sure you'll find your lover :) it always happens when u least expect it so just go on with your life and stop worrying!!!!
maybe you set your standards too high and are looking for prince charming or the guy from The Notebook. Not that I'm saying you'e ugly which you might be idk but maybe try lowering your standards and you will meet a nice guy or your ';true love.';
There is nothing wrong with you! True love will come your way one day! Just be patient. It my seem like forever. But when you find it, it will defiantly be worth the wait.
Stay alone
is good for health
don't think about a true love
There is nothing type to true love
Only your mother's love is true
You just have to find the right one is all, I always think the same, because I cant open myself up to people but want to. You just need to find mr right
I am 32 and not married. I wish I were homosexual sometimes.
you wont find anything but sarcasm and crude attempts at humor on the internet
@reese4breakfast: old ascii art is old... nice touch though
Nothing wrong with you its human nature to feel like that. Hope you find what you are looking for.
Eh...'true love' is over-rated.
yep, probably the same thing that's wrong with me.
Nah. lots of people feel like you do. Wanting to find that ';special someone'; All I can say is good luck.
Quit looking for it, and go find it.
No there is nothing wrong with you! and you will find true love someday!
i feel it is natural and you are maturing
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
no i dont think theres something wrong with u!
you are just a hopeless romantic just like me!
ive been done wrong a lot and theres a time in ur life when u just want someone true by ur side!
its totally cute of u to think that way!
be strong ull find someone! =)
i havent lost hope on my case ;)dog hair
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
no i dont think theres something wrong with u!
you are just a hopeless romantic just like me!
ive been done wrong a lot and theres a time in ur life when u just want someone true by ur side!
its totally cute of u to think that way!
be strong ull find someone! =)
i havent lost hope on my case ;)
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Well you're not the only one looking for that special someone, so no there's nothing wrong with you. It takes time and patience, there's someone out there custom made for you, but you have to dig through the weeds to get to the flower, so don't give up, just keep digging until you get to that flower.Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
dont lose hope....love is definitely worth waiting for :) And im sure nothing is wrong, its just not your time yet, and the right one hasn't come yet.
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Well you're not the only one looking for that special someone, so no there's nothing wrong with you. It takes time and patience, there's someone out there custom made for you, but you have to dig through the weeds to get to the flower, so don't give up, just keep digging until you get to that flower.Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
dont lose hope....love is definitely worth waiting for :) And im sure nothing is wrong, its just not your time yet, and the right one hasn't come yet.
He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
I am engaged and my fiance and I already have a date for our wedding nexyt year. That is going to be in April the day between our birthdays (his is April 14 mine is April 2).
I have known my fiance for 3 years from friendship to how we are now. Yes, I knew him well and in 3 years that I have known him, and he is the same person I knew three years ago only that he is more amazing now. He is pretty consistent as who he is. He never swear or use bad words, he is very thoughtful and we never fight. We disagree on certain things but we still manage to talk about it like we are just having conversation. Am I going to be his first? Yes. How lucky am I?! He is a good looking guy and I think of myself as an average but then, he so crazy about me. Again, I'm fortunate. I am deeply inlove with him. We are both catholic and our parents are big time religious and conservatives. I just could find any flaws in his personality or him as person. Not that I want one. He is just a person who you would say '; He is really a nice a guy';. He is too good to be true! Indeed he is.
In terms of sex, we do foreplay and all that but we want to wait until were married to finally have intercourse. I slept next to him every night, feeling his agony in refusing the temptation. Whenever I would tempt or seduce him like a stupid evil woman, he would always remind me ';Baby,I can wait for few more months, I already have been patient for for more than 3 years';. Amazing he is. I am not saying we do not do those that really make us feel good we just set limit about having an actualy SI till we get married. Am I lucky?Very.
As our wedding is fast approaching, I'm becoming more anxious. I still can not believe that I am going to be his wife soon. It is an overwhelming feeling and I still can not believe I have him in my life and will have him everyday of my life. I really hope he I deserve him.
Is he a modem saint who is allowed to marry a devlish woman like me???He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
If he is perfect then you must be too. He loves you for who you are! Lucky luck girl. Just dont brag too much ok darling?
best answer!He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
You're not devilish. You guys are perfect for each other. Why wonder whether he is too good for you? He deserves you and he knows that. If he doesnt know that, you guys wont even be gettting married! Be happy and congrats for finding THE ONE!!
you are such a show off I bet you wrote this for the sole purpose of telling strangers about your boyfriend.
well ive known mine since I was 9. and we liked eachother then. so there LOL
You go girl!
I am still searching for mine, and waiting until marriage too.
Best of luck to you and wish me luck on my journey/quest!
I didn't read it all sorry but sometimes its the saint and the devil that make the best couple.
Congrats:) just don't tempt him too much, he has waited this long don't make it hard on him
ne1 is allowed to marry ne1 the thing is can u keep ur devilish ways on a hush for years n years to come?
you are very lucky please quit teasing him
good luck on ypur marriage
you have what so many people are looking for. You are truly blessed as well as him.
It's all very true.
Until divorce.
Just sayin'!
very lucky
im born on the same day as u!!
is there a real question in all of this???
Congratulations you're in love. want to continue to rub it in for the rest of us who are not?
I have known my fiance for 3 years from friendship to how we are now. Yes, I knew him well and in 3 years that I have known him, and he is the same person I knew three years ago only that he is more amazing now. He is pretty consistent as who he is. He never swear or use bad words, he is very thoughtful and we never fight. We disagree on certain things but we still manage to talk about it like we are just having conversation. Am I going to be his first? Yes. How lucky am I?! He is a good looking guy and I think of myself as an average but then, he so crazy about me. Again, I'm fortunate. I am deeply inlove with him. We are both catholic and our parents are big time religious and conservatives. I just could find any flaws in his personality or him as person. Not that I want one. He is just a person who you would say '; He is really a nice a guy';. He is too good to be true! Indeed he is.
In terms of sex, we do foreplay and all that but we want to wait until were married to finally have intercourse. I slept next to him every night, feeling his agony in refusing the temptation. Whenever I would tempt or seduce him like a stupid evil woman, he would always remind me ';Baby,I can wait for few more months, I already have been patient for for more than 3 years';. Amazing he is. I am not saying we do not do those that really make us feel good we just set limit about having an actualy SI till we get married. Am I lucky?Very.
As our wedding is fast approaching, I'm becoming more anxious. I still can not believe that I am going to be his wife soon. It is an overwhelming feeling and I still can not believe I have him in my life and will have him everyday of my life. I really hope he I deserve him.
Is he a modem saint who is allowed to marry a devlish woman like me???He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
If he is perfect then you must be too. He loves you for who you are! Lucky luck girl. Just dont brag too much ok darling?
best answer!He is too good to be true!!!I hope he deserves me!!!?
You're not devilish. You guys are perfect for each other. Why wonder whether he is too good for you? He deserves you and he knows that. If he doesnt know that, you guys wont even be gettting married! Be happy and congrats for finding THE ONE!!
you are such a show off I bet you wrote this for the sole purpose of telling strangers about your boyfriend.
well ive known mine since I was 9. and we liked eachother then. so there LOL
You go girl!
I am still searching for mine, and waiting until marriage too.
Best of luck to you and wish me luck on my journey/quest!
I didn't read it all sorry but sometimes its the saint and the devil that make the best couple.
Congrats:) just don't tempt him too much, he has waited this long don't make it hard on him
ne1 is allowed to marry ne1 the thing is can u keep ur devilish ways on a hush for years n years to come?
you are very lucky please quit teasing him
good luck on ypur marriage
you have what so many people are looking for. You are truly blessed as well as him.
It's all very true.
Until divorce.
Just sayin'!
very lucky
im born on the same day as u!!
is there a real question in all of this???
Congratulations you're in love. want to continue to rub it in for the rest of us who are not?
Hi Guys. i have been getting this email(see below) that states Yahoo is closing down. is this true? i hope not
Dear YAHOO User,
Because of the sudden rush of people signing up to YAHOO, it has come to our attention that we are vastly running out of resources. So, within a month's time,anyone who does not receive this email with the exact subject heading,will be deleted off our server. Please forward this email so that we know you are still using this account.
We want to find out which users are actually using their YAHOO accounts. So if you are using your account, please pass this e-mail to every YAHOO user that you can and IF YOU DO NOT PASS this letter to anyone we will delete your account.
YAHOO Admin. Dept.
Our YAHOO system is getting to crowded!! We need you to forward this to at least 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to find out who is really using their account. If you do not send t his to at least 10 YAHOO members, we will delete your account. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Sincerely, Director of YAHOO Services
BOB LOPEZHi Guys. i have been getting this email(see below) that states Yahoo is closing down. is this true? i hope not
Yahoo would never use a subscriber to do their dirty work. Anytime something has been wrong with my account, they email me (and only me) direct to find the solutionHi Guys. i have been getting this email(see below) that states Yahoo is closing down. is this true? i hope not
whoa big scam and spam ignore this one and delete it.
No one in my family have had such a email,
it looks like a spoof, do not click on any links, just delete it.
Its fake. Spam it.
i have heard that yahoo are buying a steak in myspace.
I would have thought that they would have addressed you as 'member' not user. Secondly one of us will have to find out who really is Bob Lopez.. Yahoo are connected to BT and if they go out of business the so will BT.
This is a stupid chain letter, ignore it, delete it and don't click anything. Yahoo Never tells people to forward emails, It's spam. They want to collect as many emails as they could to probably hack into accounts or just build up their spam addressbook. Also, Yahoo doesn't doo the big caps of YAHOO thing. That's corny. I understand your concern on this one, I love Yahoo.
scam just delete it
Its Spam!!!! I have a bridge I want to sell you for just $50.00 ....email me for details!!
Yes I am afraid it is! What will we do now?
This is utter rubbish.
Firstly yahoo is a multi billion dollar company, and have better ways of passing on information than childish chain letters demanding users do silly things and spam other users.
Secondly, if yahoo did go out of business, you would hear about it in the news...
This has to be a scam doesn't it.
I had the same email 3 ysd ago and im still using my acout so do not worry its a wind up xx
It's a wind-up and one of those stale chain letters. Just replace the ';delete your yahoo account'; with ';you will be kissed in 4 days'; or ';you will lose all your money'; and you can see the format of a typical chain letter.
Why do people do those things? It's just weird.
Its a wind up !!.
That e-mail is about as genuine as your jewellery
smells funny to me. YAHOO?
I had a very similar message to this when I had an MSN account. It's just spam mail, trying to cause panic. Ignore it, and mark it as spam so that yahoo can deal with it :o)
H O A X !!!!!
Because of the sudden rush of people signing up to YAHOO, it has come to our attention that we are vastly running out of resources. So, within a month's time,anyone who does not receive this email with the exact subject heading,will be deleted off our server. Please forward this email so that we know you are still using this account.
We want to find out which users are actually using their YAHOO accounts. So if you are using your account, please pass this e-mail to every YAHOO user that you can and IF YOU DO NOT PASS this letter to anyone we will delete your account.
YAHOO Admin. Dept.
Our YAHOO system is getting to crowded!! We need you to forward this to at least 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to find out who is really using their account. If you do not send t his to at least 10 YAHOO members, we will delete your account. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Sincerely, Director of YAHOO Services
BOB LOPEZHi Guys. i have been getting this email(see below) that states Yahoo is closing down. is this true? i hope not
Yahoo would never use a subscriber to do their dirty work. Anytime something has been wrong with my account, they email me (and only me) direct to find the solutionHi Guys. i have been getting this email(see below) that states Yahoo is closing down. is this true? i hope not
whoa big scam and spam ignore this one and delete it.
No one in my family have had such a email,
it looks like a spoof, do not click on any links, just delete it.
Its fake. Spam it.
i have heard that yahoo are buying a steak in myspace.
I would have thought that they would have addressed you as 'member' not user. Secondly one of us will have to find out who really is Bob Lopez.. Yahoo are connected to BT and if they go out of business the so will BT.
This is a stupid chain letter, ignore it, delete it and don't click anything. Yahoo Never tells people to forward emails, It's spam. They want to collect as many emails as they could to probably hack into accounts or just build up their spam addressbook. Also, Yahoo doesn't doo the big caps of YAHOO thing. That's corny. I understand your concern on this one, I love Yahoo.
scam just delete it
Its Spam!!!! I have a bridge I want to sell you for just $50.00 ....email me for details!!
Yes I am afraid it is! What will we do now?
This is utter rubbish.
Firstly yahoo is a multi billion dollar company, and have better ways of passing on information than childish chain letters demanding users do silly things and spam other users.
Secondly, if yahoo did go out of business, you would hear about it in the news...
This has to be a scam doesn't it.
I had the same email 3 ysd ago and im still using my acout so do not worry its a wind up xx
It's a wind-up and one of those stale chain letters. Just replace the ';delete your yahoo account'; with ';you will be kissed in 4 days'; or ';you will lose all your money'; and you can see the format of a typical chain letter.
Why do people do those things? It's just weird.
Its a wind up !!.
That e-mail is about as genuine as your jewellery
smells funny to me. YAHOO?
I had a very similar message to this when I had an MSN account. It's just spam mail, trying to cause panic. Ignore it, and mark it as spam so that yahoo can deal with it :o)
H O A X !!!!!
Could it be REALLY be true (I hope not...at least not right now)?
I am about a week late with my AF and I was wondering if it is a possibility that I could be preggo. (I hate to post this question because it isn't like you're a human pt, but I am curious.) I know I should go and get a hpt but I wanted some opinions about the matter first. I have been having some weirdness going on but don't know if these are pregnancy symptoms...
- I have random headaches that occur for no reason; they have stopped now though.
- I feel naseous throughout the day, not just in the morning or afternoon.
- I use to hate eating breakfast and just the thought of eating early would make me gag....now I love it. I wake up early to ensure that I get something into my tummy.
- I have been munching on things a lot more... even after eating a full balanced meal I could munch on oreos or crunch n' munch.
- Sometimes I notice that I urinate more frequently but I put emphasis on sometimes.
Have any of you had any symptoms like this.... or could it be stress with summer classes and exams?
Please, I respect everyone's answer but serious answers only.
THANK YOU!Could it be REALLY be true (I hope not...at least not right now)?
the nausea/missed period are about the only things that hint at a possible pregnancy
sorry to say this - and its what everyone is gonna say - only way to tell would be to take a pregnancy test!Could it be REALLY be true (I hope not...at least not right now)?
I missed the part where you said what the pregnancy test read.
Sounds like pregnancy to me.
Just buy the test =]
You could be. Your symptoms are not very strong, except the nausea and the missed period, of course.
Any time you have sex you can become pregnant. If you say you hope you aren't pregnant, then it shows that you really shouldn't be having sex at all. That's what sex is for. You can't escape from that forever. An unborn child is meant to be conceived and to grow in the mother's womb; the baby would not be out of place there and it's not his or her fault that s/he was conceived when the mother was not ready. That's why you should not be having sex until you are ready, especially married. It makes such a difference and there is no fear.
Readiness isn't a prerequisite to being a good mother, though. You have plenty of time during pregnancy to become ready, and I might add that NO parent is 100% ready for a child. You give it your best and take it day by day. It's not as hard as you think.
Just take a test and know for sure. If you are pregnant, I hope you will do the only responsible and loving thing and keep your precious little baby. School can continue or even wait for now, and if you have determination, it will all work out. A baby won't ruin your life. We can't always predict what's going to happen in our lives; we just do the best we can, with love. Welcome your baby and be prepared for surprises.
- I have random headaches that occur for no reason; they have stopped now though.
- I feel naseous throughout the day, not just in the morning or afternoon.
- I use to hate eating breakfast and just the thought of eating early would make me gag....now I love it. I wake up early to ensure that I get something into my tummy.
- I have been munching on things a lot more... even after eating a full balanced meal I could munch on oreos or crunch n' munch.
- Sometimes I notice that I urinate more frequently but I put emphasis on sometimes.
Have any of you had any symptoms like this.... or could it be stress with summer classes and exams?
Please, I respect everyone's answer but serious answers only.
THANK YOU!Could it be REALLY be true (I hope not...at least not right now)?
the nausea/missed period are about the only things that hint at a possible pregnancy
sorry to say this - and its what everyone is gonna say - only way to tell would be to take a pregnancy test!Could it be REALLY be true (I hope not...at least not right now)?
I missed the part where you said what the pregnancy test read.
Sounds like pregnancy to me.
Just buy the test =]
You could be. Your symptoms are not very strong, except the nausea and the missed period, of course.
Any time you have sex you can become pregnant. If you say you hope you aren't pregnant, then it shows that you really shouldn't be having sex at all. That's what sex is for. You can't escape from that forever. An unborn child is meant to be conceived and to grow in the mother's womb; the baby would not be out of place there and it's not his or her fault that s/he was conceived when the mother was not ready. That's why you should not be having sex until you are ready, especially married. It makes such a difference and there is no fear.
Readiness isn't a prerequisite to being a good mother, though. You have plenty of time during pregnancy to become ready, and I might add that NO parent is 100% ready for a child. You give it your best and take it day by day. It's not as hard as you think.
Just take a test and know for sure. If you are pregnant, I hope you will do the only responsible and loving thing and keep your precious little baby. School can continue or even wait for now, and if you have determination, it will all work out. A baby won't ruin your life. We can't always predict what's going to happen in our lives; we just do the best we can, with love. Welcome your baby and be prepared for surprises.
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
You need to be patience. True love is difficult to find as good thing are difficult to find. Your heart will tell you when you find it. Don't loose hope. There is nothing wrong with you. I'm a woman and I have the same problem.Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
dude, i feel your pain, every time i get close to a girl, God looks down at me, says ';punk *****';, and i end up in the friend zone. it sucks because im like you, i just want someone to be with, to love, but as it just so happens, nice guys dont win.. the way the women work now, you should just go around hitting them, thatll make em love you
Dude, don't sweat it. You meet her next year. How do I know? I am your future self, trying to warn you.
Uh, details.
She's 5'6';, 125 lbs, brunette, she likes art and music, and her name is Katie. She dresses a little hippie-goth-ish, but she grows out of it eventually.
Oh, I am supposed to tell you, on your fourth date, bring breath mints. Trust me. And two weeks before you're married, you need to avoid going to New York. Again, just trust me. You mess things up if you do. With a stripper named Sheila.
Have fun, yo!
if you're a teenager - you're worrying way too much.
if you're in your 20's - it's normal to feel this way - you've got plenty of time - stop worrying and enjoy life.
if you're in your 30's - it's time to start worrying.
if you're in your 40's or older - it's time to stop worrying and get a hobby instead..
nahh i use to think something was wrong with me when i couldnt hook up with anyone, but now i just put myself out there and be myself. i get the chances to be in good relationships and im gnna keep going till i find the right person.you shuld do the same and let everyone know your on the market
No dogg, it's cool I was like that a couple years ago and I was never with a girl for more than 3 months. Then I got back with one of my ex's after I talked to her and now we're hardly ever apart. So you'll find one bruh I can guarantee it.
True love comes from within. Gather the feeling that you'd have if you were truly in love and meditate on that sensation. It will come to you from within. This will change your external world to match that frequency.
Talking to so many women is fine, its good to have alot of friends. Who knows if you will ever find love.. just get to know one of your friends really well then tell her how you feel and maybe it will go somewhere.
Awe....everyone will eventally meet their soul mate sometime. its just different for all people some people find their love very young. others a little older
Your just ready for a real realtionship is all, nothing wrong with that.
baby ill be your true love.
but seriously me to dude there are a lot people like you
i want someone special too!!!
YOU WILL...everything happens for a reason
Stop trying so hard and just let it come to you it will.
Stop looking for love and let it find you.
Mah boi, it just takes patience. Your time will come. Don't worry.
focus on one?
i think you will... find someone that has the same intrests as udog hair
I have the urge to want to share myself with someone. Im tired of talking to so many women I just want one. Is their something wrong with me ?Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
You need to be patience. True love is difficult to find as good thing are difficult to find. Your heart will tell you when you find it. Don't loose hope. There is nothing wrong with you. I'm a woman and I have the same problem.Will i ever find true love ? Im losing hope?
dude, i feel your pain, every time i get close to a girl, God looks down at me, says ';punk *****';, and i end up in the friend zone. it sucks because im like you, i just want someone to be with, to love, but as it just so happens, nice guys dont win.. the way the women work now, you should just go around hitting them, thatll make em love you
Dude, don't sweat it. You meet her next year. How do I know? I am your future self, trying to warn you.
Uh, details.
She's 5'6';, 125 lbs, brunette, she likes art and music, and her name is Katie. She dresses a little hippie-goth-ish, but she grows out of it eventually.
Oh, I am supposed to tell you, on your fourth date, bring breath mints. Trust me. And two weeks before you're married, you need to avoid going to New York. Again, just trust me. You mess things up if you do. With a stripper named Sheila.
Have fun, yo!
if you're a teenager - you're worrying way too much.
if you're in your 20's - it's normal to feel this way - you've got plenty of time - stop worrying and enjoy life.
if you're in your 30's - it's time to start worrying.
if you're in your 40's or older - it's time to stop worrying and get a hobby instead..
nahh i use to think something was wrong with me when i couldnt hook up with anyone, but now i just put myself out there and be myself. i get the chances to be in good relationships and im gnna keep going till i find the right person.you shuld do the same and let everyone know your on the market
No dogg, it's cool I was like that a couple years ago and I was never with a girl for more than 3 months. Then I got back with one of my ex's after I talked to her and now we're hardly ever apart. So you'll find one bruh I can guarantee it.
True love comes from within. Gather the feeling that you'd have if you were truly in love and meditate on that sensation. It will come to you from within. This will change your external world to match that frequency.
Talking to so many women is fine, its good to have alot of friends. Who knows if you will ever find love.. just get to know one of your friends really well then tell her how you feel and maybe it will go somewhere.
Awe....everyone will eventally meet their soul mate sometime. its just different for all people some people find their love very young. others a little older
Your just ready for a real realtionship is all, nothing wrong with that.
baby ill be your true love.
but seriously me to dude there are a lot people like you
i want someone special too!!!
YOU WILL...everything happens for a reason
Stop trying so hard and just let it come to you it will.
Stop looking for love and let it find you.
Mah boi, it just takes patience. Your time will come. Don't worry.
focus on one?
i think you will... find someone that has the same intrests as u
Brad and Jen - do you hope it's true that they're back together?
I do - I hate that AnjBrad and Jen - do you hope it's true that they're back together?
I'm not sure. I hate Angelina, and I DEFINITELY hope they break up. But I'm not sure that I want Brad to be back together with Jen because he had his chance and he blew it.Brad and Jen - do you hope it's true that they're back together?
Why is everyone blaming Angelina IF Brad had been happy then he would not have gone with Angelina in the first place.
I don;t think it's true. I think Brad wanted a real ***** of a woman with huge sex appeal which he has with Ang.
Jen was sweet and pure looking...also beautiful and I hope finds true happiness.
No, he had his chance. He shouldn't mess with Jenn's heart again.
But I surely wouldn't mind Angelina and him breaking up ;p
I'm not sure. I hate Angelina, and I DEFINITELY hope they break up. But I'm not sure that I want Brad to be back together with Jen because he had his chance and he blew it.Brad and Jen - do you hope it's true that they're back together?
Why is everyone blaming Angelina IF Brad had been happy then he would not have gone with Angelina in the first place.
I don;t think it's true. I think Brad wanted a real ***** of a woman with huge sex appeal which he has with Ang.
Jen was sweet and pure looking...also beautiful and I hope finds true happiness.
No, he had his chance. He shouldn't mess with Jenn's heart again.
But I surely wouldn't mind Angelina and him breaking up ;p
Top chef fans..i heard that ilan won could it be true i hope marcel wins would they really let it leak???
It should be true. I was reading Wikipedia and Elan was listed on the win loss chart as the winner. They were probably told that they screwed up and took it off the chart but it was there a few days ago, listing Elan as winner and Marcel as runner up.Top chef fans..i heard that ilan won could it be true i hope marcel wins would they really let it leak???
I want Marcel to win but I heard that Ilan won too. If they let it leak like that then I don't think I will be watching the next season (if they have one). I hate it when they leak things because then it defeats the purpose of a season finale.Top chef fans..i heard that ilan won could it be true i hope marcel wins would they really let it leak???
**You should really put spoiler in your title then put who won in the body of your question. Some people like the suprise of not knowing**
If marcel wins I'll be really pissed. I just don't like his whole persona. I'm not crazy about ilan either but I like him more than marcel. My favorite was actually sam, but I didn't think that they would choose him because he looked too much like harold. I also grew to like elia.
I want Marcel to win but I heard that Ilan won too. If they let it leak like that then I don't think I will be watching the next season (if they have one). I hate it when they leak things because then it defeats the purpose of a season finale.Top chef fans..i heard that ilan won could it be true i hope marcel wins would they really let it leak???
**You should really put spoiler in your title then put who won in the body of your question. Some people like the suprise of not knowing**
If marcel wins I'll be really pissed. I just don't like his whole persona. I'm not crazy about ilan either but I like him more than marcel. My favorite was actually sam, but I didn't think that they would choose him because he looked too much like harold. I also grew to like elia.
My mother always told me that freezer frost was poisonous, is this true? I hope not because I LOVE it.?
Am I slowly killing myself by indulging in a handfull of freezer frost from time to time. With today's frost-free refrigerators and freezers, it is not as easy to find the freezer frost as it was ';back in the day.'; But there are a couple of places I can go to get it. I pray that it is harmless because I really do love to eat it, always have, since I was a young child and we did not have a frost-free freezer. I always assumed my Mother just didn't want me holding the freezer open (making more frost) and that is why she told me it was poisonous. But, I'd like to know definitively if what she said was true.My mother always told me that freezer frost was poisonous, is this true? I hope not because I LOVE it.?
No you arent slowly killing yourself if you dont get sick, but I think it is good to have 'clean' ice to eat. Can you make fresh ice cubes, then put them in a blender or ice crusher like snow cone ice? Sometimes in large ice machines there is a contaminant, so I would think the same applies to freezer frost. I try to empty my auto ice maker tray in my freezer once a month and begin fresh for that reason. But unless you have a compromised immune system you should be fine.
No you arent slowly killing yourself if you dont get sick, but I think it is good to have 'clean' ice to eat. Can you make fresh ice cubes, then put them in a blender or ice crusher like snow cone ice? Sometimes in large ice machines there is a contaminant, so I would think the same applies to freezer frost. I try to empty my auto ice maker tray in my freezer once a month and begin fresh for that reason. But unless you have a compromised immune system you should be fine.
I heard most of the male astronauts prefer redheads. I hope so! Is this true?
I'm a natural redhead.I heard most of the male astronauts prefer redheads. I hope so! Is this true?
When I become an astronaut, I will take you with me. :)I heard most of the male astronauts prefer redheads. I hope so! Is this true?
I hope so?? what you are planning to go and ask them? good luck girl! we all have dreams in life... you are just out there.....
What are you still doing on this web site. The kindergarten teacher is going to get mad if your late. She will make you sit in the corner for a time out.
Wouldn't you want to ask some questions in the Society or the Computer sections.
Well, I've always liked redheads, but.... I like brunettes too....
As long as the thatch and snatch match.
You might want to ask NASA if any of their male astronauts are looking for redheads, but I'd watch out for the female astronauts who may have already staked their claims....
Perhaps it is because it may be easier to find and remove from the intricate and sophisticated space station.
When I become an astronaut, I will take you with me. :)I heard most of the male astronauts prefer redheads. I hope so! Is this true?
I hope so?? what you are planning to go and ask them? good luck girl! we all have dreams in life... you are just out there.....
What are you still doing on this web site. The kindergarten teacher is going to get mad if your late. She will make you sit in the corner for a time out.
Wouldn't you want to ask some questions in the Society or the Computer sections.
Well, I've always liked redheads, but.... I like brunettes too....
As long as the thatch and snatch match.
You might want to ask NASA if any of their male astronauts are looking for redheads, but I'd watch out for the female astronauts who may have already staked their claims....
Perhaps it is because it may be easier to find and remove from the intricate and sophisticated space station.
Is the Hope Willcott Missing Story true or false?
because it seams real but fake at the same time.Is the Hope Willcott Missing Story true or false?
did you spell the names right, babe?
and, if 'yes', who/what are you talking about?Is the Hope Willcott Missing Story true or false?
The story is false, because those that read the description see right off the bat ';This Is An Alternate Reality Game.'; Not only that, but you got to think about the logic in some of the things that were said in the first video; would the police actually turn a blind eye to a missing person's report, let alone allow Richard to keep videos that would police would normally seize as evidence? Not only that, but you would be able to pull up any official news reports about Hope Wilcott's abduction in any search engine, which of course you won't find any official news reports.
With all that aside, the internet mystery game is pretty entertaining, and quite fun trying to break cyphers and unraveling secrets.Will clearasil ultra help
did you spell the names right, babe?
and, if 'yes', who/what are you talking about?Is the Hope Willcott Missing Story true or false?
The story is false, because those that read the description see right off the bat ';This Is An Alternate Reality Game.'; Not only that, but you got to think about the logic in some of the things that were said in the first video; would the police actually turn a blind eye to a missing person's report, let alone allow Richard to keep videos that would police would normally seize as evidence? Not only that, but you would be able to pull up any official news reports about Hope Wilcott's abduction in any search engine, which of course you won't find any official news reports.
With all that aside, the internet mystery game is pretty entertaining, and quite fun trying to break cyphers and unraveling secrets.
Serious, is this true?! ( I hope not?? )?
OK. I heard that the world is gonna end in 2012... A group of people told me that they even believe it and is truthful... Where is the proof? Who predicted this? Is this possible?
Please tell me or give me links where this is shown to be believed.
Half of me don't believe but... Well, what do you think of it and have you heard anything about it?!
Thanks.Serious, is this true?! ( I hope not?? )?
We'll I look at it like this, everyday of your life could be your last. Every second, every minute, every hour. Life is like placing a naive wind-up doll and putting it in a maze. YOu never know what's going to happen next, you never know when you're going to die, or how you're going to die. That is the scary thing of course, is not knowing the unknown. I know that everyone time will eventually expire, and even in the most catastrophic events excluding judgement day, there are always some survivors. But I guess my fear would be not knowing how I'm going to die, or when, and not knowing enough about the afterlife to know whether I'm really prepared for what's to become of me after life. One thing I do know is that those who have died have not been able to come back and tell us what it's like. I guess it's the biggest secret that the creator has on mankind. Is not knowing the unknown.Serious, is this true?! ( I hope not?? )?
Ok, first of all, nobody knows for sure when the world is going to end. As my mom always says, ';The world ends for you when you close your eyes.';
The information about the world ending in 2012, I think December 20th or somewhere around there, is based on information people have been seeing on tv specials and the discovery channel about the Mayan calendar. You can probably google this to get more information.
I don't think this is anymore true than the Y2K thing everyone was panicking over back when they said the world would end and everything would stop working when we turned to the year 2000. That didn't happen either.
However, since people are freaking out over this, now is a good time to remember to take every day in your life seriously, do something good with it, and act like it could be your last. You never know. If it would be don't have any regrets.
There has always been theories about when the world will end so far they've all been wrong. If you think back to the Millenium Bug which was going to destroy computer systems - nope - nothing - we all survived - no change. People will always believe in something bad to frighten others to make themselves look good - its all mind games. I'm sure if you look hard enough you will be able to find evidence to support this - in fact clever people can convince you that black is white! Please don't let this worry you %26amp; spoil your life - live well %26amp; be kind to others - let tomorrow take care of itself.
Tell me you never heard about that? That's pretty sad! The rumor has been around for decades.
Well, there's no way that we're going to know until it happens. I doubt that it will and so do furniture, car companies, and sport teams. They have interest free financing and some contracts go to 2015 or 2013.
I highly doubt that it will end because many years ago, the same thing has happened before. All the planets were lined up with the sun many years ago and nothing happened to the Earth.
There you have it, I could gurantee that nothing will happen!
The Mayans calender ends Dec. 21 2012. They know the date is for sure because of the planetary alignment and all that will come with it. It may be true, but we will have to wait and see.
Oh and the Bible States that ONLY GOD knows when the World will end. Not even Christ knows the day, so the Bible DOESN'T say the World will end in 2012.
NO, it's in no way shape or form true. It's just the supposed end of a calendar. Does the world end on Dec 31st when your calendar stops? Same thing!
Try reading a little: http://www.bautforum.com/against-mainstr鈥?/a>
For more fun and a look to see how ridiculous this is, try http://www.religioustolerance.org/end_wr鈥?/a>
I highly doubt it. There is no decent evidence to show it and even if it was going to end, what can you do about it? Just enjoy life now rather than worrying about some stupid doomsday theory. There have been loads of end of the world predictions like 6th July 2006, and none of them happened. Just relax.
I am 64 years old and throughout my life, different dates have been given for the end of the world. I used to worry about it when I was young but now I just think 'oh, not again'.
People have been predicting the end of the world pretty much since the start of the world.
Don't worry about it. Even if its true worrying about it won't help so chill out.
Here's an article that explains the theories.
My feeling.. You can always find someone who'll believe any theory.
Ya, i also believe that it can be possibly true..
aprox half of the world gonna end due the dangerous problem such as GLOBAL WARMING..
Ancient MAYA calander ends at 2012, this may be a prediction by maya people..
It's just another theory from the Nostradamuses of the world, nothing will happen in 2012 except a very expensive London Olympics!
2012 doomsday is a hoax.
A small bit of proof for it, people want your money. Why, if the world is going to end?
dont belive everything you hear!
lots of people said the world was going to end last year? but look were still here! im sure you would be more aware if it was!
Nobody can predict the future
No its not true . the mayans were just to stupid to figure out 2013 comes after 2012 . so they stopped at 2012.
i doubt it dont worry about it
they have set many date before but yet were still here
so just live ur life to the fullest
Not going to end.It is just a change in the calender.
its like religion, cant really be explained
i hope not coz i will still be alive then
It's ridiculous.
I'd love to see the look on those peoples' faces when we reach 2013.
I don't necessarily believe it will end in 2012 but Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in 2012.
In the Bible 2012 is judjement day. everyone is talking about it because there is a film based on it.
ps i hope it happens....you know why? cuz human beings are wrecking this planet, i say get rid of us all
Please tell me or give me links where this is shown to be believed.
Half of me don't believe but... Well, what do you think of it and have you heard anything about it?!
Thanks.Serious, is this true?! ( I hope not?? )?
We'll I look at it like this, everyday of your life could be your last. Every second, every minute, every hour. Life is like placing a naive wind-up doll and putting it in a maze. YOu never know what's going to happen next, you never know when you're going to die, or how you're going to die. That is the scary thing of course, is not knowing the unknown. I know that everyone time will eventually expire, and even in the most catastrophic events excluding judgement day, there are always some survivors. But I guess my fear would be not knowing how I'm going to die, or when, and not knowing enough about the afterlife to know whether I'm really prepared for what's to become of me after life. One thing I do know is that those who have died have not been able to come back and tell us what it's like. I guess it's the biggest secret that the creator has on mankind. Is not knowing the unknown.Serious, is this true?! ( I hope not?? )?
Ok, first of all, nobody knows for sure when the world is going to end. As my mom always says, ';The world ends for you when you close your eyes.';
The information about the world ending in 2012, I think December 20th or somewhere around there, is based on information people have been seeing on tv specials and the discovery channel about the Mayan calendar. You can probably google this to get more information.
I don't think this is anymore true than the Y2K thing everyone was panicking over back when they said the world would end and everything would stop working when we turned to the year 2000. That didn't happen either.
However, since people are freaking out over this, now is a good time to remember to take every day in your life seriously, do something good with it, and act like it could be your last. You never know. If it would be don't have any regrets.
There has always been theories about when the world will end so far they've all been wrong. If you think back to the Millenium Bug which was going to destroy computer systems - nope - nothing - we all survived - no change. People will always believe in something bad to frighten others to make themselves look good - its all mind games. I'm sure if you look hard enough you will be able to find evidence to support this - in fact clever people can convince you that black is white! Please don't let this worry you %26amp; spoil your life - live well %26amp; be kind to others - let tomorrow take care of itself.
Tell me you never heard about that? That's pretty sad! The rumor has been around for decades.
Well, there's no way that we're going to know until it happens. I doubt that it will and so do furniture, car companies, and sport teams. They have interest free financing and some contracts go to 2015 or 2013.
I highly doubt that it will end because many years ago, the same thing has happened before. All the planets were lined up with the sun many years ago and nothing happened to the Earth.
There you have it, I could gurantee that nothing will happen!
The Mayans calender ends Dec. 21 2012. They know the date is for sure because of the planetary alignment and all that will come with it. It may be true, but we will have to wait and see.
Oh and the Bible States that ONLY GOD knows when the World will end. Not even Christ knows the day, so the Bible DOESN'T say the World will end in 2012.
NO, it's in no way shape or form true. It's just the supposed end of a calendar. Does the world end on Dec 31st when your calendar stops? Same thing!
Try reading a little: http://www.bautforum.com/against-mainstr鈥?/a>
For more fun and a look to see how ridiculous this is, try http://www.religioustolerance.org/end_wr鈥?/a>
I highly doubt it. There is no decent evidence to show it and even if it was going to end, what can you do about it? Just enjoy life now rather than worrying about some stupid doomsday theory. There have been loads of end of the world predictions like 6th July 2006, and none of them happened. Just relax.
I am 64 years old and throughout my life, different dates have been given for the end of the world. I used to worry about it when I was young but now I just think 'oh, not again'.
People have been predicting the end of the world pretty much since the start of the world.
Don't worry about it. Even if its true worrying about it won't help so chill out.
Here's an article that explains the theories.
My feeling.. You can always find someone who'll believe any theory.
Ya, i also believe that it can be possibly true..
aprox half of the world gonna end due the dangerous problem such as GLOBAL WARMING..
Ancient MAYA calander ends at 2012, this may be a prediction by maya people..
It's just another theory from the Nostradamuses of the world, nothing will happen in 2012 except a very expensive London Olympics!
2012 doomsday is a hoax.
A small bit of proof for it, people want your money. Why, if the world is going to end?
dont belive everything you hear!
lots of people said the world was going to end last year? but look were still here! im sure you would be more aware if it was!
Nobody can predict the future
No its not true . the mayans were just to stupid to figure out 2013 comes after 2012 . so they stopped at 2012.
i doubt it dont worry about it
they have set many date before but yet were still here
so just live ur life to the fullest
Not going to end.It is just a change in the calender.
its like religion, cant really be explained
i hope not coz i will still be alive then
It's ridiculous.
I'd love to see the look on those peoples' faces when we reach 2013.
I don't necessarily believe it will end in 2012 but Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in 2012.
In the Bible 2012 is judjement day. everyone is talking about it because there is a film based on it.
ps i hope it happens....you know why? cuz human beings are wrecking this planet, i say get rid of us all
Omg, is this true? I hope not! :OO?
My friend in college said my face, or jaw looks different. I was like, what? She asked if I gained weight. I said, well no. She then asked if I had my monthlys and I said, yes.. And she stopped. She said my jaw looks different and that changes because that shows your like pregnant or something and I was worried for a few days because of that, but I had my period and thats sooo freaken scary. I don't need to take one right? I got no signs. Or maybe I've got more fatter. lol :(Omg, is this true? I hope not! :OO?
Seriously. You can't tell someone is pregnant by looking at their jawline. If you had your period and have no symptoms of pregnancy, you are most likely not pregnant. But if you want to buy into her own superstitious myths and get all freaked out, by all means, go ahead and test.Omg, is this true? I hope not! :OO?
it's your jaw that could be due to lighting, her bad memory, retaining water...
i wouldn't worry about it.. if you've started gaining weight in your face you're jeans should have already become noticeably tight by now... and you wouldn't gain that much from being like a few weeks pregnant.
seriously that is the dumbnest thing in the whole world..why would they make pregnancy tests then lol.
if you had your period your obviously not pregnant. i consider you to do some more sex ed before you have sex again though if you are THAT nieve.
Seriously. You can't tell someone is pregnant by looking at their jawline. If you had your period and have no symptoms of pregnancy, you are most likely not pregnant. But if you want to buy into her own superstitious myths and get all freaked out, by all means, go ahead and test.Omg, is this true? I hope not! :OO?
it's your jaw that could be due to lighting, her bad memory, retaining water...
i wouldn't worry about it.. if you've started gaining weight in your face you're jeans should have already become noticeably tight by now... and you wouldn't gain that much from being like a few weeks pregnant.
seriously that is the dumbnest thing in the whole world..why would they make pregnancy tests then lol.
if you had your period your obviously not pregnant. i consider you to do some more sex ed before you have sex again though if you are THAT nieve.
Is this really true? I hope so.?
The body CAN NOT change resting metabolic rate per unit of fat-free body mass. Studies have shown this.
Your resting metabolic rate will decrease as you lose muscle. Losing fat alone will not lower your RMR (and note that you will need to follow a very sensible program to lose fat without losing muscle). You have probably heard that people who go on crash diets end up lowering their metabolic rate, which means when they go off the diet, they put on fat more easily than before they started. This is because they have lost muscle, they have lowered their metabolic rate.
However, the amount of energy burnt per unit of fat-free weight does not change; poor dieters end up with fewer units of fat-free weight, and that's where their vicious cycle comes from.Is this really true? I hope so.?
If I understand your formulation correctly, then yes, this is correct.
Also remember that when you gain lean muscle mass, your metabolic rate will increase.Is this really true? I hope so.?
yes it is true
also fat burns an extra 50 calories per lb per day
Yeah it's true, cause i read in the internet.
Your resting metabolic rate will decrease as you lose muscle. Losing fat alone will not lower your RMR (and note that you will need to follow a very sensible program to lose fat without losing muscle). You have probably heard that people who go on crash diets end up lowering their metabolic rate, which means when they go off the diet, they put on fat more easily than before they started. This is because they have lost muscle, they have lowered their metabolic rate.
However, the amount of energy burnt per unit of fat-free weight does not change; poor dieters end up with fewer units of fat-free weight, and that's where their vicious cycle comes from.Is this really true? I hope so.?
If I understand your formulation correctly, then yes, this is correct.
Also remember that when you gain lean muscle mass, your metabolic rate will increase.Is this really true? I hope so.?
yes it is true
also fat burns an extra 50 calories per lb per day
Yeah it's true, cause i read in the internet.
This is a joke - not a true story - hope it makes you laugh :)?
A little girl asked her Mom, ';Mom, may I take the dog for a walk around the block?
Mom replies, ';No, because she is in heat.';
';What's that mean?'; asked the child.
';Go ask your father. I think he's in the garage.';
So, the little girl goes to the garage and says, ';Dad, may I take Muffin for a walk around the block? I asked mom, but she said the dog was in heat and to come ask you.';
The Dad says, ';Bring Muffin over here.'; He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog's backside with it to disguise the scent; and said ';OK, you can go now, but keep Muffin on the leash and only go one time around the block.'; The little girl left and returned a few minutes later with no dog on the leash. Surprised, Dad asked, ';Where's Muffin?';
The little girl said, ';She ran out of gas about halfway down the block, --- so another dog is pushing her home.';This is a joke - not a true story - hope it makes you laugh :)?
Oh gee so funny cracks me up never heard a better one
ha ha ha he he he
oh gee I will be in heat nowThis is a joke - not a true story - hope it makes you laugh :)?
Cute, real cute
Saphead! that isn't funny at all plus it isn't even original.
I think it is vulgarity for the sake of being vulgar.
That's cute, thanks. a good laugh is always in order.
Odd joke... why in the world did you put it in the religion section
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute.....and funny....
funny :D thanks for sharing
LOL. But really in the words of the late great Bob Barker, ';please spay or neuter your pet.';
Nice one..
why is it in R%26amp;S?
LMAO- like it!
Mom replies, ';No, because she is in heat.';
';What's that mean?'; asked the child.
';Go ask your father. I think he's in the garage.';
So, the little girl goes to the garage and says, ';Dad, may I take Muffin for a walk around the block? I asked mom, but she said the dog was in heat and to come ask you.';
The Dad says, ';Bring Muffin over here.'; He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog's backside with it to disguise the scent; and said ';OK, you can go now, but keep Muffin on the leash and only go one time around the block.'; The little girl left and returned a few minutes later with no dog on the leash. Surprised, Dad asked, ';Where's Muffin?';
The little girl said, ';She ran out of gas about halfway down the block, --- so another dog is pushing her home.';This is a joke - not a true story - hope it makes you laugh :)?
Oh gee so funny cracks me up never heard a better one
ha ha ha he he he
oh gee I will be in heat nowThis is a joke - not a true story - hope it makes you laugh :)?
Cute, real cute
Saphead! that isn't funny at all plus it isn't even original.
I think it is vulgarity for the sake of being vulgar.
That's cute, thanks. a good laugh is always in order.
Odd joke... why in the world did you put it in the religion section
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute.....and funny....
funny :D thanks for sharing
LOL. But really in the words of the late great Bob Barker, ';please spay or neuter your pet.';
Nice one..
why is it in R%26amp;S?
LMAO- like it!
Which Party Represents true Change and Hope. Which One just Talks about it.?
Obama-Bin- Biden. Indexperieced front end of the ticket. grabs an
Old white guy with 36 years of stumbling the halls of the Congress,
for the back end of the ticket. No Change or Hope there from the
status quo.
McCain/Polin. Complete Change and Hope. No died in the wool
firmly entrenched liberal of 36 years in the Senate.
A woman of extreme skill and management in government. Who
will shatter the glass with the 18,000,000 cracks in it.
Me Im headed for true Change and Hope. McCain/Polin.
Where you headed America.Which Party Represents true Change and Hope. Which One just Talks about it.?
Obama talks a lot and does nothing. He says change and hope, but
never explains what it means. Change in how things are done in
DC. Well what has he changed. He selected a 36 year Senator.
Status Quo Joe Biden. Biden is as bad as Kennedy is. So no change
or hope there.
What does McCain do. Walks away from Status Quo. Nominates
a outsider of WDC. A woman with strong governing skills.
Strong conservative. Strong NRA member and Commander of the
Alaska National Guard. So for me my vote go's for true change
John McCain and Sarah Palin.Which Party Represents true Change and Hope. Which One just Talks about it.?
so you're laying responsibility at the vp's feet. cause mccain isn't anything like change and hope. he's using that woman to win votes.
how come barack had to pick someone who could step into the presidency and one-foot-in-the-grave mccain did not.
if you think mccain will let this woman influence his more-of-the-same policies, you're as crazy as he is slick-politician
As ive said over and over again one party appeals to your emotions and your heart strings the other party appeals to your cold clear critical logical side. Ever made a decision based on pure emotion? Sure we all have the consequences wernt very pretty were they? --- One party bribes you with promises the other one promises nothing but gets the jobs done that need to be done and says what needs to be said.
Surely you can't be this foolish, everything McClone has said is the same as his clone Dubya.
Right on brother
The democratic party couldn't even bring itself to nominate a woman, even for VP this year. I've voted a straight democratic ticket ever since I started voting. I never thought I'd EVER vote for a republican.
However, after seeing all the sexism this year in the DNC and the media, I've seen how hypocritical they can be. Especially after seeing Obama's empty rhetoric and the media's love affair with him, I've really been turned off by the party and by Obama.
Obama hasn't done anything to reach out to Hillary supporters. I listened to his speech last night, went into it with an open mind, but his speech just pushed me closer to McCain, especially when he went negative on McCain. Obama's not a different kind of politician at all.
I think Sarah Palin is an excellent choice, and an astute choice by McCain. I thought he would pick Romney, which would have been okay but still too ';Status quo';. I'm very excited about this ticket, and I think Palin really energizes the ticket. As a woman, I was very moved when she gave her acceptance speech today; it was a great day. After all, a ceiling with 18 million cracks can only stand so long before it falls. Thanks to Hillary, Gerry Ferraro, Sarah Palin, and all the other women who stand tall, we will eventually break that ceiling.Will clearasil ultra help
Old white guy with 36 years of stumbling the halls of the Congress,
for the back end of the ticket. No Change or Hope there from the
status quo.
McCain/Polin. Complete Change and Hope. No died in the wool
firmly entrenched liberal of 36 years in the Senate.
A woman of extreme skill and management in government. Who
will shatter the glass with the 18,000,000 cracks in it.
Me Im headed for true Change and Hope. McCain/Polin.
Where you headed America.Which Party Represents true Change and Hope. Which One just Talks about it.?
Obama talks a lot and does nothing. He says change and hope, but
never explains what it means. Change in how things are done in
DC. Well what has he changed. He selected a 36 year Senator.
Status Quo Joe Biden. Biden is as bad as Kennedy is. So no change
or hope there.
What does McCain do. Walks away from Status Quo. Nominates
a outsider of WDC. A woman with strong governing skills.
Strong conservative. Strong NRA member and Commander of the
Alaska National Guard. So for me my vote go's for true change
John McCain and Sarah Palin.Which Party Represents true Change and Hope. Which One just Talks about it.?
so you're laying responsibility at the vp's feet. cause mccain isn't anything like change and hope. he's using that woman to win votes.
how come barack had to pick someone who could step into the presidency and one-foot-in-the-grave mccain did not.
if you think mccain will let this woman influence his more-of-the-same policies, you're as crazy as he is slick-politician
As ive said over and over again one party appeals to your emotions and your heart strings the other party appeals to your cold clear critical logical side. Ever made a decision based on pure emotion? Sure we all have the consequences wernt very pretty were they? --- One party bribes you with promises the other one promises nothing but gets the jobs done that need to be done and says what needs to be said.
Surely you can't be this foolish, everything McClone has said is the same as his clone Dubya.
Right on brother
The democratic party couldn't even bring itself to nominate a woman, even for VP this year. I've voted a straight democratic ticket ever since I started voting. I never thought I'd EVER vote for a republican.
However, after seeing all the sexism this year in the DNC and the media, I've seen how hypocritical they can be. Especially after seeing Obama's empty rhetoric and the media's love affair with him, I've really been turned off by the party and by Obama.
Obama hasn't done anything to reach out to Hillary supporters. I listened to his speech last night, went into it with an open mind, but his speech just pushed me closer to McCain, especially when he went negative on McCain. Obama's not a different kind of politician at all.
I think Sarah Palin is an excellent choice, and an astute choice by McCain. I thought he would pick Romney, which would have been okay but still too ';Status quo';. I'm very excited about this ticket, and I think Palin really energizes the ticket. As a woman, I was very moved when she gave her acceptance speech today; it was a great day. After all, a ceiling with 18 million cracks can only stand so long before it falls. Thanks to Hillary, Gerry Ferraro, Sarah Palin, and all the other women who stand tall, we will eventually break that ceiling.
I heard Kobe Bryant was accused of throwing basketball games in high school. True???I hope not!!!?
I'm not sure, but he was accused of raping a woman. Maybe that should upset you more.I heard Kobe Bryant was accused of throwing basketball games in high school. True???I hope not!!!?
Good answer graff. LOL Sadly, it's funny yet true.
Good answer graff. LOL Sadly, it's funny yet true.
The observable universe is a very small section ,how can science hope to grasp the true mechanics?
of a universe that mostly eludes them, are the wasting their timeThe observable universe is a very small section ,how can science hope to grasp the true mechanics?
I had a very learned mentor once tell me ';It's not so much the results that count, but the science.'; By that he meant the search for answers is as important, if not more so, than the answers.
As we search, we uncover not only the nature of our universe, but we also discover what it is not. Thus, as we look for answers in our ';small section'; of the universe, we find a few answers that may be the truth, whatever that means, but we'll find a lot of them that are false as well. We can only hope that continuing the search will rectify those false answers by ultimately finding the true ones.
Physics (and astrophysics) are renowned for coming up with answers about things that cannot be seen or directly measured. They do this through deduction or induction. Check this out:
';deduction - A method of reasoning by which one infers a conclusion from a set of sentences by employing the axioms and rules of inference for a given logical system. '; [See source.]
An example of deduction is:
A = B; B = C; therefore, A = C
In the physics context, if physicists can measure A = B and B = C, they don't need to observe and measure A = C, they can deduce that answer. Also look at this:
';induction - A method of reasoning by which one infers a generalization from a series of instances.'; [See source.]
An example might be:
A = B; A = B; A = B....multiple times, each time we observe it; so we can infer A = B in general.
In physics, if we find big bang background noise everywhere we look in the known universe, we can infer that the noise is generally everywhere in the universe...even those places we haven't or cannot observe.
Good question.The observable universe is a very small section ,how can science hope to grasp the true mechanics?
through the technique of extrapolation.
the ancient greeks used it when they stated ';as above, so below';
If they cant give answers they dont get funding!! the more they say the more money for research!! plus there mostly men so.....
I had a very learned mentor once tell me ';It's not so much the results that count, but the science.'; By that he meant the search for answers is as important, if not more so, than the answers.
As we search, we uncover not only the nature of our universe, but we also discover what it is not. Thus, as we look for answers in our ';small section'; of the universe, we find a few answers that may be the truth, whatever that means, but we'll find a lot of them that are false as well. We can only hope that continuing the search will rectify those false answers by ultimately finding the true ones.
Physics (and astrophysics) are renowned for coming up with answers about things that cannot be seen or directly measured. They do this through deduction or induction. Check this out:
';deduction - A method of reasoning by which one infers a conclusion from a set of sentences by employing the axioms and rules of inference for a given logical system. '; [See source.]
An example of deduction is:
A = B; B = C; therefore, A = C
In the physics context, if physicists can measure A = B and B = C, they don't need to observe and measure A = C, they can deduce that answer. Also look at this:
';induction - A method of reasoning by which one infers a generalization from a series of instances.'; [See source.]
An example might be:
A = B; A = B; A = B....multiple times, each time we observe it; so we can infer A = B in general.
In physics, if we find big bang background noise everywhere we look in the known universe, we can infer that the noise is generally everywhere in the universe...even those places we haven't or cannot observe.
Good question.The observable universe is a very small section ,how can science hope to grasp the true mechanics?
through the technique of extrapolation.
the ancient greeks used it when they stated ';as above, so below';
If they cant give answers they dont get funding!! the more they say the more money for research!! plus there mostly men so.....
What hope does a true Christian (JW) have when someone dear to him dies?
Hello Sister
L'espérance des vrais chrétiens en la résurrection est magnifique.(wonderful)
Pour le reste du petit troupeau. Une espérance céleste comme cohéritier de Jésus en tant que Roi (King) et prêtre (Prister). Ils sont le gouvernement céleste dans la Jérusalem spirituel.
Et de cette Jérusalem coule un fleuve qui abreuve et nous désaltère spirituellement.
Maintenant pour le deuxième troupeau, si nous mourrons, nous savons que Jéhovah Dieu ne nous oubliera pas, nous ressusciterons dans un paradis ou ';à cette époque s'ouvriront les yeux des aveugles (Isaïe 35:5)- Aucun habitant ne dira je suis malade (Isaïe 33:24)- plus de famine (Psaume 72:16) ou (Isaïe 35:6), (Jean 5:28-29).
Nous autres Témoins de Jéhovah nous avons une éspèrance de vivre sur une terre devenue un paradis. Et non comme les religions monothéistes parlent d'un paradis céleste. D'un enfer. D'un purgatoire.
Triste finWhat hope does a true Christian (JW) have when someone dear to him dies?
I am sorry for being insensitive. I would remove my comment if I could.Please accept my sincere apolagies that is all I can do.
What hope does a true Christian (JW) have when someone dear to him dies?
I have a hard time that you in your grief still have time to call me names...I am not an apostate, no matter what you think.
*** we pp. 27-29 A Sure Hope for the Dead ***
In the spring of 31 C.E., Jesus Christ boldly promised: “Just as the Father raises the dead up and makes them alive, so the Son also makes those alive whom he wants to. Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus’] voice and come out.” (John 5:21, 28, 29) Yes, Jesus Christ promised that millions now dead will live again on this earth and have the prospect of remaining on it forever under peaceful, paradisaic conditions. (Luke 23:43; John 3:16; 17:3; compare Psalm 37:29 and Matthew 5:5.) Since Jesus made the promise, it is safe to assume that he is willing to fulfill it. But is he able to do so?
Less than two years after making that promise, Jesus demonstrated in a powerful way that he is both willing and able to perform the resurrection.
“Lazarus, Come On Out!”
It was a touching scene. Lazarus was gravely ill. His two sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus, who was across the Jordan River: “Lord, see! the one for whom you have affection is sick.” (John 11:3) They knew that Jesus loved Lazarus. Would not Jesus want to see his sick friend? Curiously, instead of going to Bethany immediately, Jesus stayed where he was for the next two days.—John 11:5, 6.
Lazarus died some time after the message about his sickness was sent. Jesus knew when Lazarus died, and he intended to do something about it. By the time Jesus finally arrived in Bethany, his dear friend had been dead four days. (John 11:17, 39) Could Jesus bring back to life someone who had been dead that long?
On hearing that Jesus was coming, Martha, a woman of action, ran out to meet him. (Compare Luke 10:38-42.) Touched by her sorrow, Jesus assured her: “Your brother will rise.” When she indicated her faith in a future resurrection, Jesus plainly told her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life.”—John 11:20-25.
Upon arriving at the tomb, Jesus directed that the stone closing its entrance be taken away. Then, after praying aloud, he commanded: “Lazarus, come on out!”—John 11:38-43.
All eyes were fixed on the tomb. Then, out of the darkness, a figure emerged. His feet and hands were bound with wrappings, and his face was bound with a cloth. “Loose him and let him go,” ordered Jesus. The last of the unraveled bandages fell to the ground. Yes, it was Lazarus, the man who had been dead four days!—John 11:44.
Did It Really Happen?
The account of the raising of Lazarus is presented in the Gospel of John as a historical fact. The details are too vivid for it to be a mere allegory. To question its historicity is to question all the miracles of the Bible, including the resurrection of Jesus Christ himself. And to deny the resurrection of Jesus is to deny the Christian faith as a whole.—1 Corinthians 15:13-15.
We have a wonderful hope. We know that our loved ones will be resurrected to the paradise earth once God restores it. God did not give up on his plan for the earth. He created mankind to live on earth, not in heaven. Earth is our home. In the paradise there will be no more sickness, pain or death. Psalm 37:29, Rev 21:1-5. Matthew 5:5.
Our confidence is that the Almighty will do the most generous thing that He can. Also that He will wipe away all tears, and in the end we will be satisfied.
To see them again in the resurrection as promised in the Bible.
A brother put it this way-
';All of us are travelling towards the end of this system, like in a train. Some of us are oblivious to our destination, some of us are eagerly looking through the windows. Others yet are in the sleeping car, unconscious of the train's movement up until they are woken up at the final station. We cannot see the people in the sleeping car, or talk to them. But we know we will see them when the train finally stops and we all get out.';
I liked that.
something I am looking forwarded to dear sister. seeing my husband again in the on earth. revelation 21 verse 3 and 4 my favorite scriptures. when Jesus brought Lazaraus back from sleep in death, he came back to earth. if Lazaraus was in heaven he would of said something about it but he never did. what kind of friend would Jesus be to bring Lazaraus back from heaven, if he was in heaven which he was not. Jesus knew that Lazaraus was only sleeping in the grave.
The resurrection to life on a paradise earth. Rev. 21:3, 4: ';With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
Ps. 37:29: ';The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it.';
um we have a hope of seeing our died love ones again on earth not heaven uless they are part of the 14400
When the enemy death strikes, your grief can be great, even though you may hope in the resurrection. Abraham had faith his wife would live again, yet we read that “Abraham came in to bewail Sarah and to weep over her.” (Genesis 23:2) And what about Jesus? When Lazarus died, he “groaned in the spirit and became troubled,” and shortly afterward he “gave way to tears.” (John 11:33, 35) So, when someone you love dies, it does not show weakness to cry.
When a child dies, it is particularly hard for the mother. Thus the Bible acknowledges the bitter grief that a mother can feel. (2 Kings 4:27) Of course, it is difficult for the bereaved father as well. “O that I might have died, I myself, instead of you,” lamented King David when his son Absalom died.—2 Samuel 18:33.
Yet, because you have confidence in the resurrection, your sorrow will not be unrelenting. As the Bible says, you will “not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13) Rather, you will draw close to God in prayer, and the Bible promises that “he himself will sustain you.”—Psalm 55:22.
The resurrected will already have been acquitted of their previous sins and will thus not have to suffer for what they did while they were alive before. They will have the opportunity to learn to enjoy life under perfect conditions. What a prospect!
If that prospect appeals to you, do not hesitate to verify the trustworthiness of these promises. Jehovah’s Witnesses will be delighted to help you.
Morning Star if you truly beleived in Jesus you wouldn't try to keep others from believing in the resurrection that he talked about. He NEVER said everybody dying goes to heaven.
The statement above this one applies to you as well.
All Christians have the assurance of forgiveness in Christ for all their sins so that they pass over from death to life the moment they truly believe in him. A loved one who dies but who did not profess faith in Christ still might have come to saving faith despite not letting on. And many a person has turned to Christ for forgiveness literally on their death-bed. The repentant thief next to Jesus is an example of that.
The Christian hope is acceptance by God in the beloved and to go to the place he has prepared for them. Of course, all of us will experience the truth of Hebrews 9:24-28: 'And it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, not to bear sin but for salvation.'
Acts 24:15 “I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”
Isaiah 26:19 ““Your dead ones will live. A corpse of mine—they will rise up. Awake and cry out joyfully, YOU residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of mallows, and the earth itself will let even those impotent in death drop [in birth].”
Daniel 12:2 “And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up';
John 5:28 “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice”
John 11:25 “Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life”
- Bob
The resurrection.
Jesus shows that that the resurrection is a reality by resurrecting lazarus John 11:39-44
Jehovah is eager to bring all the dead back to life Job 14:13-15
All those within the common grave of mankind both the righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected John 5:28,29
Jesus likens Death to a sleep like state without dreams
The hope that they were saved, and someday will get to see and be with them again in a better way and better place.
The hope is meeting again at the feet of Jesus in heaven, hope of eternal life where people will die no more.
If they weren't a christian, you have the assurance that they are burning in hell forever. Enjoy your eternity!
And don't get me started on remarrying after a spouse is dead. But the bible says that we are ';like angels'; in heaven, so sex doesn't come into play.
Why the false hope of seeing this person again in heaven. Christianity is very focused on denial of morality. All Christians are afraid of death.
a true christian will have hope and faith that the loved one is now in heaven with Jesus, and will not suffer anymore ever, as death is said to be the last enemy. the only hope we have is our faith and trust in the lord and know that a loving god will take care of our loved one, and our loved one is no longer suffering or hurting but happy and no longer having any problems. our hope is if we believe what god says, and if we trust god.
L'espérance des vrais chrétiens en la résurrection est magnifique.(wonderful)
Pour le reste du petit troupeau. Une espérance céleste comme cohéritier de Jésus en tant que Roi (King) et prêtre (Prister). Ils sont le gouvernement céleste dans la Jérusalem spirituel.
Et de cette Jérusalem coule un fleuve qui abreuve et nous désaltère spirituellement.
Maintenant pour le deuxième troupeau, si nous mourrons, nous savons que Jéhovah Dieu ne nous oubliera pas, nous ressusciterons dans un paradis ou ';à cette époque s'ouvriront les yeux des aveugles (Isaïe 35:5)- Aucun habitant ne dira je suis malade (Isaïe 33:24)- plus de famine (Psaume 72:16) ou (Isaïe 35:6), (Jean 5:28-29).
Nous autres Témoins de Jéhovah nous avons une éspèrance de vivre sur une terre devenue un paradis. Et non comme les religions monothéistes parlent d'un paradis céleste. D'un enfer. D'un purgatoire.
Triste finWhat hope does a true Christian (JW) have when someone dear to him dies?
I am sorry for being insensitive. I would remove my comment if I could.Please accept my sincere apolagies that is all I can do.
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What hope does a true Christian (JW) have when someone dear to him dies?
I have a hard time that you in your grief still have time to call me names...I am not an apostate, no matter what you think.
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*** we pp. 27-29 A Sure Hope for the Dead ***
In the spring of 31 C.E., Jesus Christ boldly promised: “Just as the Father raises the dead up and makes them alive, so the Son also makes those alive whom he wants to. Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus’] voice and come out.” (John 5:21, 28, 29) Yes, Jesus Christ promised that millions now dead will live again on this earth and have the prospect of remaining on it forever under peaceful, paradisaic conditions. (Luke 23:43; John 3:16; 17:3; compare Psalm 37:29 and Matthew 5:5.) Since Jesus made the promise, it is safe to assume that he is willing to fulfill it. But is he able to do so?
Less than two years after making that promise, Jesus demonstrated in a powerful way that he is both willing and able to perform the resurrection.
“Lazarus, Come On Out!”
It was a touching scene. Lazarus was gravely ill. His two sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus, who was across the Jordan River: “Lord, see! the one for whom you have affection is sick.” (John 11:3) They knew that Jesus loved Lazarus. Would not Jesus want to see his sick friend? Curiously, instead of going to Bethany immediately, Jesus stayed where he was for the next two days.—John 11:5, 6.
Lazarus died some time after the message about his sickness was sent. Jesus knew when Lazarus died, and he intended to do something about it. By the time Jesus finally arrived in Bethany, his dear friend had been dead four days. (John 11:17, 39) Could Jesus bring back to life someone who had been dead that long?
On hearing that Jesus was coming, Martha, a woman of action, ran out to meet him. (Compare Luke 10:38-42.) Touched by her sorrow, Jesus assured her: “Your brother will rise.” When she indicated her faith in a future resurrection, Jesus plainly told her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life.”—John 11:20-25.
Upon arriving at the tomb, Jesus directed that the stone closing its entrance be taken away. Then, after praying aloud, he commanded: “Lazarus, come on out!”—John 11:38-43.
All eyes were fixed on the tomb. Then, out of the darkness, a figure emerged. His feet and hands were bound with wrappings, and his face was bound with a cloth. “Loose him and let him go,” ordered Jesus. The last of the unraveled bandages fell to the ground. Yes, it was Lazarus, the man who had been dead four days!—John 11:44.
Did It Really Happen?
The account of the raising of Lazarus is presented in the Gospel of John as a historical fact. The details are too vivid for it to be a mere allegory. To question its historicity is to question all the miracles of the Bible, including the resurrection of Jesus Christ himself. And to deny the resurrection of Jesus is to deny the Christian faith as a whole.—1 Corinthians 15:13-15.
We have a wonderful hope. We know that our loved ones will be resurrected to the paradise earth once God restores it. God did not give up on his plan for the earth. He created mankind to live on earth, not in heaven. Earth is our home. In the paradise there will be no more sickness, pain or death. Psalm 37:29, Rev 21:1-5. Matthew 5:5.
Our confidence is that the Almighty will do the most generous thing that He can. Also that He will wipe away all tears, and in the end we will be satisfied.
To see them again in the resurrection as promised in the Bible.
A brother put it this way-
';All of us are travelling towards the end of this system, like in a train. Some of us are oblivious to our destination, some of us are eagerly looking through the windows. Others yet are in the sleeping car, unconscious of the train's movement up until they are woken up at the final station. We cannot see the people in the sleeping car, or talk to them. But we know we will see them when the train finally stops and we all get out.';
I liked that.
something I am looking forwarded to dear sister. seeing my husband again in the on earth. revelation 21 verse 3 and 4 my favorite scriptures. when Jesus brought Lazaraus back from sleep in death, he came back to earth. if Lazaraus was in heaven he would of said something about it but he never did. what kind of friend would Jesus be to bring Lazaraus back from heaven, if he was in heaven which he was not. Jesus knew that Lazaraus was only sleeping in the grave.
The resurrection to life on a paradise earth. Rev. 21:3, 4: ';With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
Ps. 37:29: ';The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it.';
um we have a hope of seeing our died love ones again on earth not heaven uless they are part of the 14400
When the enemy death strikes, your grief can be great, even though you may hope in the resurrection. Abraham had faith his wife would live again, yet we read that “Abraham came in to bewail Sarah and to weep over her.” (Genesis 23:2) And what about Jesus? When Lazarus died, he “groaned in the spirit and became troubled,” and shortly afterward he “gave way to tears.” (John 11:33, 35) So, when someone you love dies, it does not show weakness to cry.
When a child dies, it is particularly hard for the mother. Thus the Bible acknowledges the bitter grief that a mother can feel. (2 Kings 4:27) Of course, it is difficult for the bereaved father as well. “O that I might have died, I myself, instead of you,” lamented King David when his son Absalom died.—2 Samuel 18:33.
Yet, because you have confidence in the resurrection, your sorrow will not be unrelenting. As the Bible says, you will “not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13) Rather, you will draw close to God in prayer, and the Bible promises that “he himself will sustain you.”—Psalm 55:22.
The resurrected will already have been acquitted of their previous sins and will thus not have to suffer for what they did while they were alive before. They will have the opportunity to learn to enjoy life under perfect conditions. What a prospect!
If that prospect appeals to you, do not hesitate to verify the trustworthiness of these promises. Jehovah’s Witnesses will be delighted to help you.
Morning Star if you truly beleived in Jesus you wouldn't try to keep others from believing in the resurrection that he talked about. He NEVER said everybody dying goes to heaven.
The statement above this one applies to you as well.
All Christians have the assurance of forgiveness in Christ for all their sins so that they pass over from death to life the moment they truly believe in him. A loved one who dies but who did not profess faith in Christ still might have come to saving faith despite not letting on. And many a person has turned to Christ for forgiveness literally on their death-bed. The repentant thief next to Jesus is an example of that.
The Christian hope is acceptance by God in the beloved and to go to the place he has prepared for them. Of course, all of us will experience the truth of Hebrews 9:24-28: 'And it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, not to bear sin but for salvation.'
Acts 24:15 “I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”
Isaiah 26:19 ““Your dead ones will live. A corpse of mine—they will rise up. Awake and cry out joyfully, YOU residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of mallows, and the earth itself will let even those impotent in death drop [in birth].”
Daniel 12:2 “And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up';
John 5:28 “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice”
John 11:25 “Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life”
- Bob
The resurrection.
Jesus shows that that the resurrection is a reality by resurrecting lazarus John 11:39-44
Jehovah is eager to bring all the dead back to life Job 14:13-15
All those within the common grave of mankind both the righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected John 5:28,29
Jesus likens Death to a sleep like state without dreams
The hope that they were saved, and someday will get to see and be with them again in a better way and better place.
The hope is meeting again at the feet of Jesus in heaven, hope of eternal life where people will die no more.
If they weren't a christian, you have the assurance that they are burning in hell forever. Enjoy your eternity!
And don't get me started on remarrying after a spouse is dead. But the bible says that we are ';like angels'; in heaven, so sex doesn't come into play.
Why the false hope of seeing this person again in heaven. Christianity is very focused on denial of morality. All Christians are afraid of death.
a true christian will have hope and faith that the loved one is now in heaven with Jesus, and will not suffer anymore ever, as death is said to be the last enemy. the only hope we have is our faith and trust in the lord and know that a loving god will take care of our loved one, and our loved one is no longer suffering or hurting but happy and no longer having any problems. our hope is if we believe what god says, and if we trust god.
Ive heard that ronaldo has been goin out with merche. is that true? i hope not cause he is too hot. so r they?
he's hot hot hot and a lot of girls like him and on the internet i saw a photo of him necking a black girl. (not offending). i bet he does that to a lot of girls. well i hope not he is going out with merche. shes not even pretty. c'mon join me and say it. ';Merche is not even pretty.'; Say it. SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ive heard that ronaldo has been goin out with merche. is that true? i hope not cause he is too hot. so r they?
Yes, they're going out.
BUT, I heard, like, a week ago that they were on the ';break up rocks'; and I've also heard that they're getting married. Who knows!?
I'll say it, ';Merche is not even pretty.'; (It's so true!)
She's 9 years older than him, EWWW!!
:o)Ive heard that ronaldo has been goin out with merche. is that true? i hope not cause he is too hot. so r they?
I think Ronaldo is crazy.Merche is older than him %26amp; she's so ugly.
I can't believe Ronaldo likes her %26amp; going out with her.
Don't bother with him:
He's unattainable
he's nasty
I also happen to think he's pretty...ugly
yes. he is.
C'mmon, leave them alone. I'm available. Let's go out.
I heard he is going out with the youngest song from Television's ';Malcolm in the Middle';
Just find a guy that kinda looks like him and call him Ronaldo.
wouldn't you rather have him with an ugly girl than a pretty girl?
and they are supposably ';ENGAGED';
who cares what ever he like he can go out or marraie a goldfish.
Yes, they're going out.
BUT, I heard, like, a week ago that they were on the ';break up rocks'; and I've also heard that they're getting married. Who knows!?
I'll say it, ';Merche is not even pretty.'; (It's so true!)
She's 9 years older than him, EWWW!!
:o)Ive heard that ronaldo has been goin out with merche. is that true? i hope not cause he is too hot. so r they?
I think Ronaldo is crazy.Merche is older than him %26amp; she's so ugly.
I can't believe Ronaldo likes her %26amp; going out with her.
Don't bother with him:
He's unattainable
he's nasty
I also happen to think he's pretty...ugly
yes. he is.
C'mmon, leave them alone. I'm available. Let's go out.
I heard he is going out with the youngest song from Television's ';Malcolm in the Middle';
Just find a guy that kinda looks like him and call him Ronaldo.
wouldn't you rather have him with an ugly girl than a pretty girl?
and they are supposably ';ENGAGED';
who cares what ever he like he can go out or marraie a goldfish.
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