Friday, February 12, 2010

I've fallen for someone, is there any hope of true love?

I've fallen badly for my tutor. I have thrown as many hints as I can, and left the ball in his court. My intuition tells me he is not interested. I just cant bring myself to ask him out, if he rejects me I will be devasted. Is there really any hope, or am I just a truly hopeless romantic?I've fallen for someone, is there any hope of true love?
he's your TUTOR!!! there should be a professional distance... leave him alone... if you are in a teach establishment, he will be aware that having anything to do with a student will mean he'll be fired...I've fallen for someone, is there any hope of true love?
Doesn't sound like there's much chance. Sorry.

I fell for someone not long ago, gave them plenty of hints and told myself they must not get that I'm interested. Bad move. He was interested at all.

Try and move on, or take a chance, ask him out, be ready for disappointment, and then move on if he turns you down. Never know if you never try, but don't expect positive results.
Hey Baby, how can I be fired .... you are the boss!

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